Rising Queen: Chapter 12

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Rising Queen: Together Forever

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Rising Queen: Together Forever.
Amethyst Scott and Vaye Throwne.

To say that this day can't get any better would be a lie because the day just got better. With Sapphire constantly joking around and Pearl scolding her, I couldn't stop laughing. Sometimes, I even thought that Pearl and Sapphire would make a good comedic duo. It didn't help that Pearl was Sapphire's main victim for her jokes. Pearl doesn't take it too seriously though, thank god. She knows it's all for laughs but she still won't stop scolding Sapphire about it. Seeing them like this made me smile because they didn't change one bit. Even after everything the three of us have been through, Sapphire's still her goofy and stupid self whilst Pearl's still her smart and soft self. I freaking love these two so much. They're the bestest friends anyone can ever have.

I'm so glad that Vaye made some time for us to hang out today. It might be a little unfair for her because this day was supposed to be about us but she just had to prioritize my happiness over hers. She's just too perfect. Once I see her, I'm going to give her the biggest kiss yet. I'll show her how much I love her.

"Remember that time we snuck into that asshole's room? And threw the dog shit everywhere? That was so fucking hilarious!" Sapphire exclaimed, throwing her head back from laughter.

I chuckled, "Yeah but Pearl got so mad at us! But that bitch deserved it though, that's what she gets for messing with us!"

Pearl sighed, "Real mature, guys. Don't you two remember that Sapphire had to clean it up too? Amethyst's mother got so mad."

"Woah! She's not my mother, Pearl! Never will be." I stated, chuckling. We were reminiscing about that time where Sapphire, who was still in my body, threw dog poop all over my dumb biological sister's room. It was so funny when we saw her reaction but sadly, as Pearl stated, we had to be the ones to clean it up. Sapphire was the one who was fronting at the time so she had no choice but to clean the poop so props to her! I wouldn't have been able to handle that. But we did get pay back because whilst Sapphire cleaned the room, she also stole and ruined some stuff of my dumb sister.

"Oh! I forgot to ask y'all something. This is serious so don't laugh yet." Sapphire stated, clearing her throat.

"Something serious, huh? Sounds intriguing, especially coming from you." Pearl replied, chuckling at Sapphire who was sticking her tongue at Pearl.

"You better just tell us straight away instead of making some dirty joke." I added, shaking my head as Sapphire groaned.

"Alright, alright! I'll be serious." Sapphire cleared her throat. "So, as you all know, we're all settling with our respective mates, right?"

"Yeah..?" I trailed off, waiting for her to continue.

Sapphire sighed, "I mean I don't know but do you guys think it would be a good idea for me to practice some spells? Like is that even possible for a vampire? Can vampires even become witches? I don't know, I just thought I wanted to do something so Weiss wouldn't think that I'd be an unreliable queen."

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