Queen: Epilogue

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The true epilogue of Three Queens, Fallen Queen, and Rising Queen.

"Everything stays but it still changes."

There are people around me, dancing, laughing, and smiling. Everywhere I look, everyone seems to be happy. Werewolves, vampires, witches, and demons.. even two humans and one frightened little angel are all celebrating together. As I observe all of their smiling faces, I couldn't help but feel at home. Like this is where I belong.

If someone from my past told me that this is where I'll end up, I would have never believed them. I used to think I'd live the rest of my life as a miserable slave to my cruel biological family, never having the chance to taste freedom. Yet here I am.. with the same voices who pushed me to run away from that life, to finally set myself free.

And by doing so, I've opened new worlds to those voices as well.

As I look at my right, I see my first voice. Her vibrant blue hair shines against the bright light. She's smiling while she sips her cocktail. Her unique purple eyes roam over the room until it meets mine.

She smiles, "Are you having fun?"

I smile back, "I am."

"Good. I like seeing you happy." Pearl says, lifting her hand to caress my cheek. "Happiness looks good on you."

"It looks good on both of us."

She nods, "I can agree to that."

I then look at my left and see my second voice. There is a goofy smile on her face as she throws her head back to laugh loudly. Her striking red hair compliments her mischievous expression but her chocolate brown eyes pull me into their warmth. She notices me looking at her and grins.

"What? Do I look that hot? Sorry sister but this sexy motherfucker is taken!" She exclaims before laughing once more.

I giggle, "You're very intoxicated."

"Who cares? I just wanna party!" Sapphire cheers, throwing her hands up.

"I've never seen you so crazy before." I comment, giggling again as I watch her twerk.

She grins at me, "You ain't seen nothing yet!"

"How very mature of you." I look at my right and see Pearl shaking her head in disapproval at Sapphire.

Sapphire sticks her tongue at Pearl, "I'm only getting started!" As the two begin to bicker back and forth, I couldn't help but notice two figures approaching us.

One has a nasty scowl on her face and a deadly glare set on Sapphire. Whilst the other has a flirty smirk and a lustful gaze set on Pearl. I already know what they want, so without much say, I watch as Eva and Weiss take their mates away from my sides.

"Let's talk later, Amethyst." Pearl gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before holding Eva's hand and walking away.

Sapphire then holds my hand tightly, "Amethyst, please don't let her take me! I don't wanna die, Amethyst!" I only laugh as Sapphire's grip on my hand loosens and Weiss drags her away.

I watch in amusement as Sapphire is forced to kneel whilst Weiss scolds her over and over again. Bystanders watch around them but no one dares to get in the furry of the queen of witches. Meanwhile, I tear my eyes off them and notice Pearl and Eva making out in a corner. They are really going at it and it even looks like the wolves are happy to see their rulers blatantly showing off their unconditional love for each other.

𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz