Chapter 34

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I scowled at Lucilia who only grinned at us in return. She has got to be joking, this can't be true. I saw the signs.. I saw Lucilia acting all gentle and sweet towards the fallen angel. I've seen how they acted towards each other. This makes no sense at all.. but then, I remembered Weiss' words.. perhaps.. perhaps what Weiss said was true. That Angeline and Lucilia were not mates but were merely attracted to each other. It could be a possibility because Angeline has.. a very attractive body and demons were known for their love for sexual intercourse. If this thought of mine turns out to be correct then that would mean that Lucilia was only after the poor girl's body. This thought instantly made me glare at Lucilia.

"If Angeline isn't your mate then why exactly are you spending time with her? Surely there are other women here who do not lack sexual experience, women who are.. very much interested in sexual intercourse." I stated, mentally smirking. Lucilia's answer to this question would give me enough information to come to a conclusion.

Lucilia smirked, "I can see right through you, Luna. But since you are eager to know then I shall not make you wait any longer. I've been roaming around this castle for months now, do you really think I would not touch an attractive woman when I see one? I can't even count how many women I've fucked in this castle." She then chuckled.

Vaye hissed, "How dare you lay a hand on my people!" She was about to attack Lucilia but fortunately, Weiss quickly calmed her down with a spell. I sighed in relief, this conversation wouldn't end too well if the queen of vampires and the queen of demons had a fight.

"Ah but I am not to blame, bloodsucker. You see, they want me. It's one of the perks of being a demon, every being will fall down to their knees and beg me to fuck them because they can smell my scent." She informed us with a smirk.

Weiss scoffed, "Use your eyes, demon. Do we look like we want to have sexual intercourse with you?"

Lucilia shrugged, "I don't know, maybe I should ask.. Pearl?" She stared at me and her eyes slowly started to change into a pink shade. My eyes widened and I quickly held my breath and looked away. It was weird.. because I felt absolutely nothing. Confused, I took a quick sniff and was only able to get a hint of Eva's scent.

Babe? What's wrong? I sensed your emotions.

Eva? That's weird. I did not get the feeling of wanting.. sexual intercourse with that narcissistic demon. I chuckled, this only means that her stupid show was a fail.

It's nothing, love. I was just confused. Carry on with what you are doing. Oh! And remember to fold our clothes neatly, you know I dislike it when somebody else touches our clothes.

I could hear Eva groaning and that made me growl.

A-Ah, wh-why yes! Of course, my Luna. I'll fold our clothes after Sapphire, Amethyst and I finish one more episode. I'll see you later, babe. Don't get mad at me and I love you, bye!

I rolled my eyes and was about to reply to Eva's mindlink but a loud cough interrupted me. I shook my head and looked at the three queens who were watching me with amused smirks except Weiss who was only raising a brow at me. I cleared my throat to erase my embarrassment then stated, "Unfortunately for you demon, I was not enchanted nor tempted to have intercourse with you. How do you explain that?"

Lucilia only shrugged, "It's because you're loyal. Loyalty and.. love are the only enemies of my scent. It's infuriating to have such nonsense as weaknesses."

"We're getting off topic here." Vaye stated, her tone irritated.

"So.. if Angeline isn't your mate then you would have no problem if my little sister steals her from you?" Weiss smirked at Lucilia who looked unamused at her statement.

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