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Taehyung: A-are you okay?

Y/N: (laughs awkwardly) Of course I'm fine! I-I was just trying to see if my slap was hard enough.

(You mentally facepalmed at the reason you gave to him)

(You ignored your thoughts and started treating his wounds when he hissed in pain as you immediately retreated your hand back)

(He held your hand and put it near the wound indicating you to continue as you continued focusing on the wound keenly)

Y/N: It's all done now

Taehyung: Um thanks but, can I have your phone? I need to call someone.

Y/N: Oh, sure

(You got up and took your phone which was on the side table while you gave it to him and didn't bother to ask him why he doesn't have his phone with him)

Taehyung: Thanks

(You smiled and went to the closet and then the bathroom to change into more comfortable clothes)

(You got outside as you blinked twice confused and looked around the room as your brows knitted together)

Y/N: He left, again.

(You sighed when your eyes landed on a white piece of paper as you picked it up and read it)

"Thanks and sorry for leaving without notice again. I saved your number on mine and mine on yours. Bye! ;)"

(You smiled and looked at your phone as you saw the contact. "Daddy" it said)

(You cringed at the name shuddering, rolling your eyes, chuckling at the scene and went to sleep)

//next day//
-8.30 p.m-

(You decided to go to a movie with your sister as it was a Sunday and as she had nothing else to do, hence she agreed)

(It was a horror movie which you love, while Solar despised as she hated all the blood and the jump scares but finally agreed to come as you had practically begged her. Your grandmother had gone out on a date with her 'boyfriend')

//at the theatre//

(You both were walking towards the theatre)

Solar: May I know why I agreed to come with you?

(She shivers looking at the poster of the movie you were going to, as you giggled)

Y/N: Cause you love me

Solar: (rolls eyes) yeah sure

(You both sat down on the seats as you focused intently on the movie while your sister clung onto your arm as you smiled cheekily when someone whispers beside your seat)

???: Why weren't you answering my calls?

(Your eyes widened and you looked to your side as you could see Taehyung grinning at you, you leaned into your seat and covered your face and whispered)

Y/N: What are you doing here!?

To be continued

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