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//time skip//
//at the store//

(You placed the products you needed in the basket that Taehyung was holding)

(You noticed that Taehyung was gawking at a particular product on the shelf)

(you soon realized he was looking through different types of condoms)

Y/N: You've got to be kidding me Taehyung

Taehyung: I'm just trying to be safe ya' know, you never know when it might happen

(He winks at you while you gag, shuddering, you throw him a stink-eye)

Taehyung: Wait, have you ever had it before?

Y/N: It's none of your business

(Your cheeks heat up as you avoid eye contact)

Taehyung: Holy shit you've never had it before! (Scoffs) You know what? I'm gonna continue looking at the condoms here while you go to the end of the aisle and look at the baby food like the little baby you are, Virgin!

(You gasp and walk away, doing as he says)

Y/N: (mumbles) Asshole

Taehyung: I heard that!

Y/N: I don't care!

(You walk to the end of the aisle, eyeing the baby food, when an idea pops into your head)

(You looked around as you saw a middle aged woman, looking through the shelf of baby food)

(You looked at Taehyung to see him minding his own business, still looking at the shelf)

(You took the advantage of it as you smiled widely, jogging towards the woman)

Y/N: (bows) Hello ma'am

Woman: Oh, Hello dear, you need any help?

(She was surprisingly kind, making it easier for you)

Y/N: May I use your phone? I have to call someone and my phone's actually out of charge.

(She nods giving you a warm smile, handing you the phone from her purse)

Y/N: Ah! Thank you, I'll be back in a minute!

(You bowed multiple times and left, walking towards the corner of the store)

(Fortunately, you remember your sister's number, so you dialled the number on the phone and put it near you ear, waiting for her to pick up)

Y/N: Pick up pick up pick up!

(You heard a "hello?" and you never felt so content)

(Before you could talk to her, the phone was snatched away from you)

*Taehyung, it had to be him*

(You tried to take the phone back from him but before you knew it, his lips devoured yours)

(you tried to pull away from the kiss, when he grabs both of your hands and puts them behind your back, pulling you closer)

To be continued

(Screams in korean)

Double update cause why not?

The Blind Date || KTHNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ