Chapter 17

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The next morning I jumped up to why the 5 of us were sleeping in the hammock, outside. Oh yeah, we spent the night out. I woke the rest of the gang up so we can go get ready.

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I also took a hoodie just in case it got cold

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I also took a hoodie just in case it got cold.
We got on the hms pogue and went out, following the coordinates.
"Alright jj, put it here," John B yelled from across the boat. "Roger that, X marks the spot," jj replied. "Oh and Leah, stop admiring jj's super teeny tiny muscles and come over to help," Kie laughed. "Okay um first off, they are NOT teeny tiny because I've seen them more than you, plus I'm not doing nothing, I'm helping jj up here," I joked.
"Alright ladies and gentlemen, to going full kook," John B sighed. "To going full kook John, you got this, WHOO," I yelled. He smiled as he lowered the drone jnto the deep sea water.
Kie is in charge of lowering the drone down slowly. While Pope and JB were looking through the camera. "Alright jj, we're right over it, 10 seconds northwest," John B said. "Got it, 10 seconds northwest," jj repeated. "Oh and by the way Leah, you can admire my body all you want, its for you anyway," jj whispered, winking at me. I couldn't help but look down as I felt my cheeks getting red.
( JJ is a bad nut, yeah 😏)
"100 feet," Kie yelled. All of a sudden Pope gasps, loudly. We all look over to him hoping that he found the money. "What, what, what, what, what," John B asks, leaping over to Pope. I stand up trying to see the screen. "Its nothing," Pope replied. We all groaned. "S-sorry, I thought," "Its okay, Pope, no worries just continue," I yelled from the front.
"400 feet.....the tides turning" Kie yelled again, letting all of us know. "Hey jj 10 seconds easy?" John B said. "Copy that!"
"Keep the tehter out of the prop!" I yelled. "Im trying," I heard Kiara yell back. "Alright jj keep going," John B said. "JB is that good?" He asked. JB have a thumbs up.
The waves started to get really big, making all of us trip from side to side.
"Okay......" jj sighed.
"JJ hold it steady,"
"Okay 900 feet !"
"JJ we're gonna turtle in this storm,"
"920 feet!"
"Okay, babe I'm gonna need you to hold onto something for me okay?" jj told me. I got up from my seat held onto a bar nit far from jj.
"Pope how are we doing?"
"Almost there,"
"There's too much current we're gonna lose it" Kie yelled.
"South, southwest, jj hard!"
I quickly threw my hoodie on and continued to hold on tightly to the bar.
"Half speed, steady at this bearing jj,"
I rushed over to JB and Pope.
"What do you got, Pope,"
Come on man whaddyou see?"
"Nothin a whole lot if nothing,"
"You should be right above it brother,"
"Kiara!" Pope called out waiting for an answer.
"960, 970,"
The 3 of us anxiously waiting for something to pop up. ANYTHING at this point. I looked over to the thunder clouds to realize it was getting closer.
"980," Kie shrieked.
"Im at the bottom, I'm at the bottom!" Pope yelled.
"okay, steady here jj, quarter speed all right? "
"We should be seeing something man,"
"I know wai- wait wait, oh good God,"
"See anything?" jj yelled from up far. I excitedly ran up to him, yelling, "Its the Royal Merchant baby, you got it," I gave a hard peck on his lips.

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