Chapter 14

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I WANNA KNOW.. WHO TF LET HIM BE THIS HOTT. Rudy pankow you can run me over with a car and the tires can have knifes in them and if still be proud. Rail me please :)

OK anyways

As soon as I made it in, I started to browse the small space for anything useful. "Johnny i need more light," I called out. " Gotcha," He said, bringing his lantern closer to me. I look to my left to see a cracked wall with a package stuffed inside it. "Oh my god," I said, as I walked closer to the wall
"Did you- did you find anything? Is there  gold?" jj asked. I grabbed the package out the wall and made my way out. "Guys how am I getting out?" I asked, with a little panic  in my voice. "Here try to jump," Pope said from the other side. I jumped up with a package on on hand and a flashlight on the other. I felt Kiara grab on my hand and pull me up. She got a hold of the flashlight while John B, Pope and jj brought me back to them. I let out a long sigh as I looked at the package with John B's name on it. "I think.... this belongs to you," i said as i handed the package over to John B. He looked at it in confusion and shock.

"Baby, are you okay?" jj asked as he pulled me towards him. "Yes, jj I'm fine," I giggled. He gave a quick kiss on my lips. "I'm glad," He smiled.

"Holy shit, this is from my dad," John B said. 

JJ was smoking when he heard a car approaching. "Guys, guys, code red, code red, square groupers bro let's go!" He yelled. We all ran behind the marble room.

(LMAO I laughed so hard in this scene 😹)

"The lights," Kie said. "The lights, the lights," John B repeated. I looked behind me to see a gun. "Aye, homie's got a gun," i whispered. "Screw this let's run" Kie said. We all ran to a big black gate which was closed. Kiara went over first, then John B and jj helped me up to the gate, and lastly, it was Pope. We all exchanged looks so we were good to go but then I saw Pope stuck on the gate. "G-Guys, I'm stuck," He grunted
JJ held out his gun and said," Don't move, okay?" Kie grabbed Pope and pulled him off the gate. Everyone started to laugh at the realization that Pope's short got stuck on the gate. "Haha, it's a little tootsie roll," jj laughed as Pope covered his underwear with his hands. Pope sat in the front next to John B.

In the car, we were all panting. From running, from laughing and our adrenaline was pumping. "That wasn't funny," Pope said, crossing his arms. "It's okay, relax," I replied, with somewhat slurred words.

We came home and sat in the office. "Babe, don't eat that, it had mold on it 3 days ago," I said, looking at him. " Eh, I'll just pull off the bad parts, plus mold is good for you, it's natural organism," jj answered. "Okay, come here," I sighed. There was an empty chair so jj sat on it and i sat on his lap. He took a bite out of his sandwich and quickly grabbed the trash can.

John B ripped off the top and took out a big piece of paper, which turned out to be a map.

"Holy shit," John B said.

"Oh, X marks the spot," Pope answered, pointing to the X. "There's something else in there," John B grabs a recorder from the package. We all exchanged looks as jj asked, "What is that?" "It's a tape recorder dummy," I smiled.

"Dear, Bird," Uncle said.
"Hey lils," My mom called out.

I gasp as John B and I looked at each other.

John B's dad:
" We hate to say we 'told you so' but we told you so, you and Leah doubted us. Bird, I expect that you're filled with guilt, over our last fight  but don't kill yourself just yet kid. "

Your Dad:
"We didn't expect to find the merchant either, and, your mom and I are sorry, we weren't exactly the parents of the decade,"

John B's dad:
" And the all of us are supposed to be listening to this tape in our brand new house in Costa Rica, "

Your mom:
" If not, and you find this for less optimal reasons, that's  why I added the map for you and John B, and well, your friends. There she is, the wreck of the merchant."

All of them:
"If something happens to us, finish what we started."

John B's dad:
"Go for the gold, kid,"

All of them:
"We love you, and John B even if we didn't always act like it. We'll see you on the other side."

I got up from jj's lap and walked away, sobbing. John B came from behind me and hugged me. "Why us?" I asked. "I don't know, I just don't," He said.

To get our minds off things, we decided to put on a bonfire while Kiara played ukulele. I was in jj's arms, watching the fire.

"How much was it again?" jj asked. "400 mil," Pope answered.  " What are you gonna do with your 100 mil, Pope?" Kiara asked. Pope took a second then said, "Pay for colleges in advance, and textbooks too, those are expensive, how about you?"  He said, looking over at Kie. " I just wanna make a double album, about OBX, the Pogues, record it at Marley studio, Peter Tosh producing-" "Peter Tosh is dead," "Yes, i know Peter Tosh is dead, his spirit never dies," She shrugged. "Actually I know what I'm gonna do," jj said. "What are you gonna do babe?" I asked, looking up at him. " I'm gonna get a big ass home on Figure 8 and go full kook, I'm gonna get a marble stage of myself and Leah, and a koi pond, and put a bunch of those fish," He smiled, as he looked at me. I kissed his cheek as he played with my hair.

"I'm never visiting," Kie laughed. "Gurl you don't have to i can spend more time with daddy jj over here," I joked. Everyone started to laugh with a face of embarrassment on their faces. "Well I mean, no problem there," jj chuckled. "Whay are you gonna do JB?" I asked. He looked over to me, and then to the river/lake thing below us and said,

"To going full kook,"

We cleaned everything up and headed back to the Chateau.

"Hey um, babe?" JJ asked. "Yes?" "Are you feeling okay?" "Well I mean, not the best but I'm still alive so, that's a thing," I sighed. He nodded as we continued to open the bed.  "What you said back there with the marble statues of you and i..... did you really mean that?" I asked, as we laid in the bed. We crossed our hands and stared at tje ceiling. "Of course I did, in fact, I'll get more than just statues, I'll get you a promise ring," He smiled. "What!?" I laughed in shock as i jumped up. "Yeah, if its okay with  you-" " JJ! Of course it's okay, it's more than okay,"

I leaped on top of him while he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Perfect," He chuckled, kissing my neck.

OMFG. You guys are the loml. I can't believe  you guys are reading my story. I love you guys so much. I literally teared up last nighttttttt. You guys are the thing that keeping me alive rn. ILYSFM byee

Pogue out 🤙


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