"so that means you kill anyone you come in contact with?" taehyung replied.

"yeah. yeah, it does."

taehyung was shook at his inhumane response. is this what everyone thought now? everyone, but him?

"what do you think? do you think he should kill me?"

there was silence before yoongi finally answered. 

"i trust jungkook. i trust him to make the right decision. if he believes you're a threat, then so be it."

"but, why are you following him?"

"he's the reason i'm alive. the reason we're all alive. and he has been through the most. if you wanna call him cold or a monster, call him that. but, he has a reason for it. we all do."

"he will do anything to protect the people he loves. and i mean, anything."

"that's why we follow him. that's why he's our leader."

end of flashback...

as he was thinking about last night, he forgot about the seven men waiting on an answer from him.

a reason for him to live.

"tick tock." jungkook titled his head.

"i can help. i'm a decent shot. hell, i've survived this long. and i know where we can get more supplies." taehyung waited for a reply.

jungkook looked at yoongi, who was one of his right hand men to him, questioning on what he should do.

seeing yoongi's shrug, he turned back to taehyung and walked to him, kneeling to see if he was lying.

"i didn't survive this long just to die like this." taehyung begged.

taehyung could help them scout and keep the place under control. he could even lead them to more supplies, as they were running low.

making his decision, jeongguk rubbed his forehead.

"if you try anything-"

taehyung shook his head, "i won't."

jeongguk stood up and faced his group, ready to announce his final decision.

"we're not killing him."

taehyung looked around jungkook to see some of the boys shrug, but one single boy had an annoyed expression.

"he's going to get us killed." the annoyed one glared at taehyung.

"then that's something i'll handle. uncuff him." jungkook ordered.

two of the tallest men walked to taehyung, unlocking the cuffs that were wrapped around his small wrists.

once free, he let out a sigh of relief and accepted help to stand from one of the men.

he massaged his red wrists and stayed against the wall, afraid that if he moved, they would try something.

"my weapons?" taehyung looked at jungkook.

jungkook smirked and stalked towards taehyung, licking his lips as he stood inches away from his face.

"you'll have to earn those back." he whispered, sending a chill down taehyung's spine.

taehyung hesitantly nodded and looked off to the side, ignoring jungkook's powerful gaze.

"hoseok, grab his bag and put it in my room." jungkook announced a new name to the room.

the guy with the white shirt and sharp jawline nodded and grabbed taehyung's duffel bag, walking out of the office-like room.

jungkook backed away and looked at the boys, "anything suspicious, report it to me. he's staying alive and that's final. tell him the rules and send him to my room when you're done."

jungkook then walked out of the office, closing the door behind him.

after, hoseok walked in, closing the door and standing next to the rest of the group.

silence filled the room, making taehyung nervous and skeptical.

"so are none of you gonna speak or am i gonna have to talk first? fine, i'll go. i'm namjoon." the silver haired boy who knocked him out smiled, his dimples appearing.

he held his hand out for taehyung to shake, but pulling it back after seeing taehyung wouldn't take his hand.

"i know, i know. i knocked you out. it's just protocol. no hard feelings." he backed up and taehyung guessed namjoon was a decent guy.

"i'm seokjin, his boyfriend so we're both off limits, you know?" the brown haired man with an axe smiled, taehyung not knowing if he was trustworthy or not.

he looked between seokjin and namjoon, smiling inside that a cute couple like this could actually be managed in this new world.

the boys looked at yoongi, "he knows my name already."

"i'm hoseok, the sexiest guy you'll ever meet.", the black haired male smiled, him giving off a friendly vibe.

"it's okay to be confident, but it's not okay to be a liar." jin rolled his eyes playfully, breaking some of the high tension in the room.

there was one last man who hasn't spoken. the one who has been sending taehyung glares ever since he got there.

the one who was close to pulling the trigger.

"park jimin." he mumbled, just enough for taehyung to hear.

taehyung knew he would have to watch out for that one.

"and the rules?" taehyung waited to hear all of these commandments.

"there's not a lot. whatever you find, share with the group. don't go anywhere without letting jungkook know first. don't go anywhere alone and don't let anyone in." hoseok explained.

"so why'd you bring me in?"

"you had a big bag. we knew you could be useful." namjoon said.

jimin scoffed, "useful? please."

"what's your problem?" taehyung got tired of the little remarks.

"my problem? my problem is that its always been the six of us. we were perfectly fine and now a rookie like you is probably going to get one of us killed."

"jimin, c'mon. he seems like a nice guy." jin looked back.

"yeah, and how many of those nice guys have we killed? no one is nice." jimin walked closer to taehyung.

"if it were up to me, you'd already be the rotters' dessert." he spat and walked out of the office, slamming the door.

taehyung stared at the slammed door, realizing that he would never get jimin to trust him.

but he didn't need jimin's trust. as long as the "boss" trusted him, he was fine.

"ignore him." yoongi walked out of the office, going to follow jimin and talk to him.

"at least he called you a dessert. that's a compliment, i guess. like ice cream or freshly baked chocolate chip cookies-"

"hoseok, we get it." namjoon cut him off.

"just please don't piss off jungkook. that's the last thing you would ever want to do." hoseok warned before walking out of the office, wanting a drink.

"his room is down the hall, first door to the left." jin informed before patting his shoulder and walking out of the office, namjoon following.

it shocked taehyung that he wasn't dead yet. it was strange that the group accepted him so easily?

taehyung was grateful to find a home to stay at and for being alive, but he just wished he read that sign.

then maybe he wouldn't have to deal with some killer.

but, this will never be his home.

no matter how long he stayed, this just wasn't home.

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