Before (Chapter 10)

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The first thing I notice is the amount of drunk people in the place. The lighted darkness wasn't much of an adaption from outside, so my eyes don't need to adjust.

        To the right of me, several bar counters are serving many young adults. Tables and couches lounge on the left. And at the end of the room lies the washrooms.

        I trudge over to the bar tender. I just order a margarita; nothing too over extravagant. After a while, I order a plain beer.

        And then another.

While sipping my third beer, a blonde girl with a short, sleeveless black dress and 4 inch heels struts over to me. She has a menacing look in her eyes.

        "Hey, baby," she slurs her words, "Wanna dance?"

        "Why not?" I agree, following her with my bottle in my right hand and my left in hers. Not long after, we're dancing to the crazy music, jumping up and down and spilling our drinks.


"Oi! OI!" I yelp as I almost hit a tree on my snowboard. I can hear the guys laughing at me from behind so I look back and stick my tongue out. Pathetic, but I'm kind of stuck here.

        Vikk attempts to ski over to me with his Go Pro, but passes me and completely wipes out. The guys laughter erupts even harder this time.

        I untangle my board from the flock of thin tree trunks and slide over to Jerome's side. He's laughing a Rob, who stole Vikk's camera, but managed to get stuck in more trees.

        I chuckle before jumping into the trail. As I maneuver the narrow snow path, my hands hit branches as I pass. I make a few sharp turns, almost losing my balance. Finally, the light at the end of the tunnel appears. I generate speed and fly into a tiny divot in the ground. The next thing I know I'm in the air off the jump. I land on my ass.

        Rob skis up beside me and offers his hand. "Who's laughing now?" He teases. I get up without his help.

        "Ooh, sassy Mitch!" He laughs.

        "Ha, funny. Says Rob-a-dob-flob!" I gently push his shoulder.

        He gasps. "Fine, then! Race you to the lift!! " He shrieks as Jerome flies by me on his board, and Lachlan and Vikk on their skis. I jump to position and zoom down.

        The bottom of the hill came faster than I thought. But of course, Rob is already down there. He's so fast on the ski hill, it's like he doesn't add any technique.

        "I beat you, I beat you!" He does a little dance as he removes his skis.

        "Yeah but you cheated!"

        Before I can say anything, I get knocked over from behind and I also hear a girl scream.

Bury My Love ➳ A BajanCanadian Fanfiction *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now