Times Have Changed (Chapter 3)

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From around the corner I can hear the TV. It sounds like a comedy, which isn't the perfect genre for this situation, but it will have to do. Creeping out from the darkness, I spot my target. Facing opposite of me, I can see Connor's head poking up above the couch. Tip toeing towards my younger brother, I make sure to stay light on my feet to avoid the cracking of the hardwood floor underneath me.

        By now I'm right behind him. He is unknowingly staring at the television, completely oblivious to his surroundings. I position my hands above his shoulders, and then I push down, hitting him fairly hard, while wildly yelling. He lets out a shriek and falls off the sofa, leaving me hanging over the top, dying of laughter. He's so easy to scare.

        "Mitch!" He cries, breathing hard, "You've gave frickin' heart attack!" I continued to laugh, my eyes almost tearing up.

        "That was priceless!" I exclaim, falling over the couch, landing in a laying position. Out of the corner of my eye, I see him picking up a cushion, and before I know it, he's whipping me with the soft object.

        "Aye!" I say, rolling over and grabbing his legs, throwing him onto the floor. I pick up the pillow he dropped and start hitting him with it--not at my full strength of course.

        "Mitch," he yells with a smile on his face, "stop!" He's laughing as he rolls over and tries to grab another pillow, but I am too fast for him. I step on the cushion, preventing him from picking it up.

        With my focus on him, he grabs my pillow from me. I guess my grip wasn't too strong. He tries to pounce on me, but I tackle him into the couch in a fit of laughter.

        Before we know it, we're both on our devices, like two teenage girls. Of course, I'm texting Jess, as she is still in her hometown. I hear Connor's voice echo from the other couch.

        "Hey, Mitch," He begins, studying his phone with squinted eyes, "Jerome hasn't posted on Twitter in a few weeks."

        Crap, I never told Connor about... about Jerome and me. Actually the only people I have told so far is Jess, my parents, and the Pack. Of course the Pack needs to know, after all, Jerome is a member. It was, maybe, four weeks ago? But for now, I have to play it off like a dumb ass.

        "Hmm, really?" I reply, searching for a possible topic to switch to.

        "Wait, you have Twitter?" I question, furrowing my eyebrows.

        "What, you didn't know?" Good. He seems to be taking the change of subjects well. "I'm following Jerome, Jess, Mom and Dad, some of your old YouTube friends..."

        "Well, okay..." I say shaking my head, "As long as you follow me!" This causes him to look up, with an alarmed expression.

        "Uh..." He begins, though I can see a smile creeping onto his face.

        I pick up a stray cushion and throw it into his face.


"Screw you," I get up, throwing my controller onto the couch, "SCREW YOU!" Flopping back onto the couch, I put my head in my hands again. Ever since the... announcement, I have not been on my CoD 'game', or any game 'game' for that matter.

        By the time I look back at the screen, I've already been spawn killed twice.

        "Well." I sigh, turning off my console with my foot. By now, it's 2pm, so it's a good time to have lunch.

        Heading up the stairs,  I spot a glimpse of my covered pool in the backyard. Since my house is built on some sort of hill, access to the backyard must be from the basement. My dwelling has a wall of windows looking out onto the beautiful pool. That is one of the main reasons that I bought this place. My parents were hesitant; they weren't sure about my decision, but I convinced them when I said that when they come out, "Connor can get off his lazy butt and swim."

        But they haven't been out once. Seems lonely here, all alone.

        I used to live with Jerome. We had both moved into a small house on the other side of the city. That was about late 2015. Four years ago. Holy shit.

        I seemed so happy back then.

        We both did.

        But times have changed.

        Now it's different.

        Now it's silent.

        Now it's a constant battle.


Continue in Chapter 4...

Edited 05/06/15

Bury My Love ➳ A BajanCanadian Fanfiction *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now