Decisions (Chapter 1)

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        I stare at the sink faucet, with my damp hands clenching onto either side of the counter. As I lean over, my ears ring from the faint sound of the drippy faucet. My hand suddenly turns on the cold water against my will, and I splash my face. Instead of cringing at the ice cold sensation, the water easily brushes off my face, leaving me physically refreshed. But my mental state is currently like an egg. I am so fragile; any attempt at over thinking could damage my state further than my already mangled self. At least I am aware.

        I look down at my clothes. The water stained my red tie that is tucked under my suit. It's the first time I had worn a suit in a long time. Last time I had looked this nice was at Ryan McNulty's wedding, which was about 6 months ago.

        I had been seated at the front, and even though we weren't as close into YouTube anymore as we were years ago, I was very close with Ryan. I remember seeing Jerome at the other side of the event, socializing with some of our old YouTube friends. I had been talking with Jordan Maron, about... life outside of YouTube. At that time he still posted videos. He still does. It's crazy how devoted he is.

        I reminisced with Preston and Rob, two former Pack members who could make it to the wedding. I still talked to them a little bit, but we had begun to grow apart. Of course they knew about Jerome and me... but after the reception, I left. I didn't talk to Jerome once.

        A wedding is a bit different than a funeral. That wedding was the last time I saw Jerome. I never spoke of him, unless it was brought up. I just replied with lame excuses like, "Yeah, Jerome's doing great!" or "Jerome's fairing well." But I actually didn't have a clue about how Jerome was doing. Or at the time, I didn't care about what he was doing. I didn't care about him. But I always love to go back and remember my last videos...

        "Hunger Games Episode 1500 w/ Mitch and Jerome - AN EPIC FINALE!!!' was the name of my last video. It was posted on April 26th, 2018.

        Today is July 30th, 2020.

        I remember when I finally stopped my recording. Jerome and I finished our 10 hour grind, only playing Hunger Games on the Nexus v3. As soon as I hit the button, I immediately sighed. That would supposedly be the last time I would hit that record button. Jerome and I celebrated our last video; though he was splitting all the footage up into a series of episodes, it was still his last.

        After speaking for a few hours, I had gone upstairs, poured myself a glass of champagne, and went out onto the balcony. The sun had just set, and there was a soft breeze whisking through the humid air. My balcony was elevated; beneath my feet was a backyard pool, since I had to choose if I wanted a beachfront property or a view. Of course, the view is what I leaned towards. I stared off into the horizon, my elbow leaned against the railing. It wouldn't be long before I had to go back in and spend 10 more hours editing and exporting the HG marathon. But I wanted to enjoy the fresh Florida air before I went back into my shell. I had moved into this place a few months ago, but I had lived in Florida for about a year already. It's helped that Ryan's been here to help me settle in.

        I welcomed the soft warmth into my body as I stepped back into the house. It was quite modern; bought with the money I had received from the countless helps of my faithful viewers. I emptied into the kitchen and considered my surroundings. It had a white motif, with crystal like cabinets and black stone countertops. The stainless steel appliances beckoned at me, atop the dark flooring. Before proceeding back to the basement to Skype the Pack, I dumped the remainder of my drink into the sink... the sink that I never thought I would be leaning over just over two years from now--

        I snap out of it. Now is not the time to remember the memories of YouTube. That is the least of my problems, and that website isn't the place where I met Jerome, unlike all of my other friends. I have to... sleep. Yeah... sleep.

        And with my wet hands and face, I slump up the dimly lit stairs into my bedroom.


Continue in Chapter 2...

Edited 05/05/15

Bury My Love ➳ A BajanCanadian Fanfiction *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now