Two Hours (Chapter 9)

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"Hello, Grade fours," says the nice lady at the front of the dull room. It was painted beige, and was surrounded with bulletin boards, white boards, and a few windows. Not to mention the array of desks set into neat rows; 3 desks in each row and 2 sets of columns.

"My name is Mrs. Martens." The lady explains. "You probably have seen me around the school." The majority of my class nod or say something in agreement.

The only exception is me. The new kid.

I've lived in New Jersey for a while, not including the first few years where I lived in Canada. I just moved to a different part of Jersey, so a transfer did apply.

"Are you all excited for this year?" The girls cheer and the boys make a noise in between a grunt, a moan, and an agreement. The next thing I know, we're playing the name game with 24 small students.

"My name is Halie Frei and I am 9 years old. I like drawing." Halie passes the magical plastic flower to the girl on her right. The flower is what allows us to talk so everybody is respectful.

"My name is Corie Harrish. I turn 9 in October. I really like playing soccer." The cycle goes on for a few more people until it reaches the boy on my left. I look at him, and the first thing I notice is the size of his nose.

"My name is Jerome Aceti," he says, with a slight tone to his voice that reads, 'this is dumb'. And average boy's reaction. "I am 9 years old but I turn 10 on March 9th." Ha, I'm older than him. "I like... playing video games." I stare at him. That's what I was going to say. He hands me the flower and I introduce myself.

"I'm Mitchell Hughes, but you can call me Mitch. I turn ten on March 3rd"--I smirk at my statement--"and I like to... skateboard." Next best thing, I guess...

The boy from before--Jerome was his name I think--shot me a surprised look. I admit it looked pretty funny with his wide eyes and nose...

After about an hour of quick review math questions, the recess bell rings. Filing out into the hallway was claustrophobic. I'm surrounded by probably five other grade four classes of 25 and are all trying to get to our hangers at the same time. Seeing that I was taller than most of the students, I look down the left hallway and saw older looking kids, probably the grade fives.

Taking a few minutes to change my shoes and slip on my thin jacket, I finally make it outside. The sky is partially cloudy, but the sun still beams upon the fields. Idling in front of the door, I notice two girls, Halie and Gemma I think their names were, staring at me, with smirks on their faces. I flash a half smile, and they giggle with each other and whisper in their ears. I pretty much always had this effect on the ladies...

And then a sudden slap on my back scares the crap out of me. I turn and see Jerome, trying to stifle a laugh from my reaction.

"Hey," I say, wanting to strike up a conversation.

"Heh, sup?" He responds, his hands getting buried in his pockets.

"Eh, nothing really," I look back towards those girls and they are beginning to lose interest. Jerome catches me staring.

"You know how to flirt?" He bluntly says, causing a few glances from more girls surrounding me. I self consciously glance around.

"Psh, yeah!" I exclaim, scrunching my face in disapproval.

"Ah yeah, suuuure." He sarcastically says. Since we're both staring in Halie and Gemma's direction, he leans in a little bit, closer to my ear.

"Just make her laugh, dude." He smirks. But why should I be taking advice from him?

I take a deep breath and walk up past the two girls with my hands in my pockets, winking at them with my half smile as I pass. I turn and walk backwards and stare into Halie's eyes, since Gemma was preoccupied with the boy approaching her--

Wait... what? Jerome?

He goes straight up and talks to Gemma. I speed walk towards him and behind Gemma, attempting to eavesdrop on their convo.

"Your nose is so big!" Stating the obvious, eh Gemma?

"Ye, it's tough to put away," he begins, grabbing his nose with his left palm, "but hey, at least I can smell my ears."

While I wasn't amused, Gemma threw her head back and laughed. The smile on her face was priceless.

I trudge up to Halie. "Hey!" I exclaim and she grins.

"Hi," she replies, her hands behind her back with perfect posture.

"So you like playing soccer?" I ask her, tilting my head and smirking slightly. For some reason, she frowns and looks down.

"Um... no, sorry." She mumbles and shuffles away, Gemma attached to her side. Jerome walks up beside me.


"What?" I innocently say.

"She likes to draw, man." He says this with a chuckle. I hold my head down. He slaps my back again. "Don' worry, dood, I can help you with that." Why would I want to him to help me?

"And you are probably asking yourself why you would need help from me." He smartass-ingly states. "Well if you didn't hear, Gemma is my new girlfriend." I shoot him an amused look. He's worth a shot I guess...

And even though his relationship with Gemma lasted only two hours, it was the budding of a long friendship.


I stand in front of bright lights out of a side street.

What the hell am I doing here? I ask myself, because I honestly have no clue. In front of me is a night club, with florescent colors attracting the young adults. Hopefully 26 is still young, I think to myself as I enter.

Continue in Chapter 10...


I pull out my phone. I don't know why, or what time it is. I can't even tell if this is a dream. But I open twitter and just type something random. I hit send.

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