Tempting - Chapter 44: Heights

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"Well I guess I'm not a priority of y-yours then-"

"Yes, you're not." I wasn't surprised by what he said but it still felt like a pile of bricks were

thrown at my heart. I falter slightly, witnessing the fake fantasy I had created for myself fall to

smithereens around me.

I can't even bring myself to talk for a few minutes. I'm just surrounded by hurt and I need to

level myself before I can even say another word.

"...Alright." I mutter, not bothering to look at him. I slowly shake my head as he doesn't respond.

"Then I'm leaving... I'll make sure to be at work on Monday sir."

He still decides to stay quiet as I turn around and exit, mirroring Coldren's actions by shutting

the door behind me. I feel like I might puke.

I continue to walk feebly across the concrete ground as each step takes about 90% of my energy.

I've never had my heart hurt so much in one day. Its the worst thing imaginable.

Suddenly, as I'm halfway through the fair grounds, my phone starts ringing in my back pocket, a

grim reminder of what me and Davi- Mr. Malone used to have.

I sigh deeply, realizing the caller ID was Elizabeth. Okay just breathe in and out, pretend that

everything's fine.

"Hello?" I answer, my voice slightly wobbly.

"Calvin! Where are you? I've been waiting here for almost half an hour."

"Oh sorry. I didn't know I was taking that long."

"*Sigh* Its fine. Coldren had to leave for something because he was tired of waiting so its just us. Also I was able to get a new pass for $50 dollars since Mr. Malone didn't seem to be coming."

I swallow dryly at the fact that Elizabeth doesn't know what's going on. It's almost like I'm lying

to her face. I probably should heed Coldren's warning of not talking to either of them.

"Uh a-actually I feel like I should be going somewhere too."

"What? Why? What's up with the both of you, I thought we were all excited about today?"

"Yeah I am... was. I just need to do something and I feel a little-"

"Calvin, come on. You can't leave me here, especially since you're my closest friend. I wanted to have a good time with you and Coldren... *sigh* but if you need be somewhere I guess that's fine."

There's a pause on the other end as I feel my heart shatter in two. Elizabeth was looking forward

to today, and here I am sweeping down and messing it up. I bite my bottom lip, trying to stand

my ground, but sadly feel it crumble underneath me.

"Alright. I- I'll be there. But just for an hour okay?" I mumble reluctantly. Instantly I hear a squeal

on the other end and I can already imagine Elizabeth's bright smile sitting on her face.

"Cool! Okay, I'm by the tent's entrance, meet me there. I have some pop corn we can share by

the way." With that she ends the call.

I know I shouldn't be around her. I know that this can get me in trouble, but I don't want to let

her down, especially since she was one of the first people to stand up for me. I shake my head,

walking towards the previous path leading to the tent.


"Okay, we should go on that one next!" Elizabeth points towards the gigantic water slide from

earlier. I'm already slipping slightly on my feet, having to hold on to her for support after just

going on a rapid spinning ride. God please have mercy.

"Elizabeth, its already been a- a hour, maybe we should call it day-"

"Ahh come on! Just one more, I just really want to experience this one with you."

"...Alright, this last one."

She pulls me towards the direction of the thin line separating us from the entrance point of the

slide. I peer to the top of it and I've got to say, my stomach knots from just the thought of

careening down that at full speed. I hear the cheerful and sometimes petrified screams of

people in little float y boats sliding down the almost vertical surface.

I shudder.

The only good thing I can say from this experience is the fact that its distracting me from the

David and Coldren situation.

As we reach the back of the line, I see a familiar top just one 1 person away from me, and when he turns around I instantly recognize those oceanic eyes.

"Calvin?" Mr. Hamsure says, looking out the side of the person behind him. Wow, small world.

I smile slightly at the site of the little girl from earlier holding his hand.

"Oh, you two know each other?" Elizabeth asks.

"Yes, we've spoken a few times back at your work." He motions the man behind him forward as

he steps in front of us, a smile warming his face.

"So, how have you both been doing? It seems like you were able to get your passes in order."

"Oh yeah! I had to pay for it though since Mr. Malone still wasn't coming for some reason."

"Oh, sorry. At least you have one. What about you Calvin, how have you been through your time here?"

"Oh uh, never better." My voice wobbles slightly as I think back to what happened, but I'm

hoping the sounds of splashing water was able to cover it up.

I suppose not since Mr. Hamsure's eyebrows instantly scrunch up.

"Are you oka-"

"Uncle Hamsure the line is going!" The little girl stresses, pulling on his arm.

"Oh right, I guess I am taking up the line."

We all move forward and only takes a few more steps until we're at the entrance of the ride. I'm

actually relieved from the little girl's outburst. She might've just saved me from a difficult


The elevator to the top's steep and once we get there, air quickly catches in my throat as I

realize how high we're in the sky.

Hello yall! I know its been a while, but I wanted to make sure I was mentally capable of writing a good chapter. Thanks for the patience and hopefully I will be able to return to my regular schedule. Thanks for everyone who's supported me and I really appreciate you fams! :D. Much peace and love moving your way.


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