Tempting - Chapter 21: Look Who's Waiting

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I stalk back to my office, feeling ease that the mystery man Mr. Hamsure was no where to be

seen. People were already shuffling around the printers and the glass lounges, heavy with

papers. I should also start on the lode that's probably overflowing in my office.

I open my door, wondering what I should do with the food when it arrives when I see a

woman with purple hair sitting in the chair in front of my desk. She snaps her neck around as my

heart turns cold and freezes.

"Oh wow, its a surprise you're still here." I can't form words yet as Chelsy slowly stands up,

crossing her arms over her thin frame.

"So I'm just going to get to the point, you've been coming out of Mr. Malone's office left and right, almost everyday you've been here. So what the hell is your deal huh? Doughboy?" She

jests, walking up to me and closing the door behind me. Oh my god, this can't be happening.

I feel my hands shake as she stares me down intensely, wanting me to break, to shatter into a

million pieces like glass.

"You don't think I know what you've been doing? Its obvious!"

"I-I don't-"

"Its obvious that you've been blackmailing Mr. Malone with something." Wait, what?

"I don't know what you want, but If you think that's going to work, you've got another thing coming. I've been working with Mr. Malone longer then anyone here and this isn't the first time I've wintnessed him be blackmailed. Each time he comes up on top, just realize that before you make the wrong person mad."

"Chelsy I-I haven't been blackmailing anyone." I try to combat, but she just rolls her eyes exaggeratedly while sighing.

"I wasn't born yesterday. He won't give you whatever you're looking for so stop asking, unless you want everyone to know your secret."

I gawk at her in disbelief as she strides her way past me. Okay, that just happened. I let out a long shaky breath as I rewind her daunting words in my head.

At this rate I won't be able to see David even at work since she's paying a little too much attention to me. I scratch my head leaning back in my chair, wondering how I'll divert this problem when I hear another knock on my door.

Groaning silently, I ask "Who is it?".

"There's a order for Calvin? I was instructed for it to get delivered here." The man answers. Great, another thing I have to deal with.

I open the door and grab the bag with shaky hands, whispering a thank you before walking back to my desk.


I've decided to throw away the chicken salad in the bin outside of the building.

The end of my shift finally arrives, but I don't feel any relief at all. Well, except for the fact I get to

be miles away from Chels for a few days. As I place my strap over my shoulders I also realize

another impending doom is slowly inking its way towards me. I have to go with Elizabeth out to

a club with a few of her friends.

Why didn't I say no?

I take out the phone David bought for me and head out the door, seeing staff pulling their things

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