Tempting - Chapter 61: Hello

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Hello everyone! I just wanted to say that I won't be posting for next week. I hope you guys have a real good day, and I want to let you know that I appreciate all of you. For everyone who's fasting this month, Happy Ramadan! Take care! :)

"Calvin... Coldren has told me some things. I just want you to... GOD I hate shit like this. You know I don't want to like.... put you in a uncomfortable situation but what he told me... Is it true? Are you and Mr. Malone..."

I feel my mouth grow dry. I have half a mind to just end the call right then. Coldren really told her?? Even after what Mr. Malone had said to him, he still told her. I can't swallow anymore as a huge lump in my throat prevents me from even speaking .



"So, its true? Honestly I was thinking it was just a joke... Jesus Christ Calvin, are you serious?"

"Well... if it means anything we a-aren't anymore. I-I'm sorry... I didn't want y-you to find out this way-I- "

"OMG, you're kind of a bad ass Calvin. Didn't know you had THAT in you... " She snorts, leaving me speechless. I didn't expect her to react that way.

"Wait does that mean there were no girls at all? AND Mr. Malone was with you this entire time? WOW, I never would've seen that coming! Jesus, I really thought Coldren was lying about it, I said he was speaking shit."

"...Uh... you're not u-upset?"

"I don't know... I don't think so. I honestly just didn't see this coming. All jokes aside, did Mr. Malone force you into... doing this or?"

"No! No, he didn't." I blurt as I board my elevator. My hands are still shaking but I think I feel a little more at ease now.

"Really? I can't believe I didn't see this coming at all. I mean I knew you acted a little weird around him, but you know I do too because we're kind of newish employees. I didn't think anything of it."

"Um yeah" I say. Honestly this is completely uncanny to me. How am I even having a civil conversation with her right now? Shouldn't she be freaked out like Coldren? And if Coldren told her, then how many other people has he told? I bite my lip as I reach my door, Elizabeth still talking to me on the line.

"I mean, damn... is the 'you know what' good?

"The what?"

"You know." She pokes. My eyebrows crease as I finally open up my apartment door, walking in and closing it behind me. I take a well sought after seat on my couch.

"I... really don't understand."

"Calvin, come on. Like was he freaky? Was the sex good?"

"ELIZABETH...!" I groan, falling against the back rest of my sofa.

"Hey, at least tell me that."

"...We haven't had anything... I guess too crazy and h-honestly I don't feel comfortable with talking about it... W-We aren't together anymore so it doesn't matter."

"Oh you aren't? Well that's good."

"Good?" I ask.

"I mean yeah. You know how risky it is to date a boss. If you two were caught, you'd probably not be able to find anymore jobs and lose this one." She concludes as I exhale deeply. I know she's

right, I just didn't expect her to be so... okay with all of this. I wonder what Coldren told her?

I look around my apartment, just remembering how just a few hours before someone was

roaming in here, caring a suitcase meant to frame me. I swallow, suddenly feeling a bit unsafe.

The fact they were able to get in here so easily without my knowledge...

"Calvin? Calvin! Are you still there?"

"Huh? Oh, I'm sorry..." I apologize.

"You were off the line for a bit. I'm sorry if I'm just calling out of the blue about this, I know it isn't any of my business but I just wanted to make sure it came from your mouth."

"I know, its not that... its just that I've had a wild day."

"Oh yeah? Me too. I went over to my parent's house yesterday and they have this thing where they're obsess over who I'm going to marry. Not only that, my family kind of believes in arranged marriages and so they've been trying to get me to be with a guy I don't even know. Now they're upset with me because I turned down that man and also said I was already in a relationship... Sorry, that all just rushed out ha." She says in a masked happy voice. Wow, and I thought I was

having an awful day.

"I'm sorry. Wow... that seems like a lot."

"I mean it was, but I'm happy I was finally able to say something about it because its always kind of been the elephant in the room. My sister was like... oh you don't want to hear about all this. I legit called for you and now I'm making it all about me." She sighs.

"No, no, its fine. I want to hear about it. Honestly. I just never knew about that." I'm tired, yes,

but staying up just a bit longer to hear her out is the least I can do. She didn't even judge me a

bit, I don't think that's ever happened before. Well, I guess except for Mr. Hamsure.

She pauses on the other end before continuing.

"My sister... she's in a arranged marriage right now, and she seems happy not gonna lie, but its just not my cup of tea. She wants me to do it too, just like everyone else in my family. It sucks because my brothers can go out and find whoever they want, but its like there's this thing in my family were the women have to basically follow what others have told them to do. Does that make sense how i'm saying it?"

"Yeah, it makes sense. Sorry you had to go through that..."

"Thanks. Its not like I'm completely against it, but I just don't find it to be something I want to do in my life... be tied down by a stranger. I don't know it creeps me out, like you don't know that person, they could be a complete maniac! Its like playing the lottery to see what type of husband you get." She jests as I nod. I then realize she can't see me and I face palm internally.

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