Tempting - Chapter 63: Maybe...

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"Nothing, really. I should be going, I have some papers to do and-" She begins to stand up but I decide to stop her.

"Wait, can you please tell me? What's going on?"

She again bites her lip and gradually sits back down. If she really doesn't want to tell me, maybe I should've just let her keep it to herself, but I know it'll be nagging me through the better part of the day.

"Calvin, I really don't want to make you in a bad mood or anything..."

"I just want to know." I stress. She sighs, crossing her leg over the other. She looks back slightly and leans in, further adding to my anxiety.

"There's a few people in this building who's talking about you behind your back. Saying some pretty nasty shit. However, when I'm there they usually don't say anything, maybe because they know we're cool. It even sucks that... Coldren does it too, but not in front of me. I would sometimes hear him talking with them behind closed doors. I feel like talking to him about it, but I don't know how to bring it up..."

It hurt my heart a bit, but in all honesty, I'm not surprised. I'm kind of used to it, so it doesn't hit as hard as it did before.

"And I forgot to ask, what happened between you two? You guys went from being friends to not talking in like a matter of days."

"Oh uh, right. Well, it kind of had to do with the thing we talked about yesterday."

"Oh shit, really?" Her eyes bug as she moves a hair strand behind her ear.

"Wow, but it's like... it's not that big of a deal? I mean it's not directly affecting him so why would he care so much? I thought you guys had some type of fight or something which is why I just minded my own business."

I know I'm omitting parts of the truth, which still technically counts as lying, but I just shrug,

feigning confusion to match her own. I knew Coldren was upset because he thought I wanted

something from Mr. Malone, like his employees in his previous relationships.

"I don't know... he was upset and wanted to end things with me, and I respected his wishes," I respond bluntly. Elizabeth frowns as she uncrosses her legs.

"I'm sorry Calvin, if I had known I would've at least said something."

"You wouldn't have to. I've just accepted it at this point honestly... A-Anyway, how's the stuff with your family going?" I say, trying to divert the conversation.

"Oh you know, my Dad still isn't talking to me but my mother and sister are trying to make me change my decision at this point. I mean, look at this mess." Elizabeth takes out her phone and opens the screen, turning her device to divulge columns and columns of texts from her Mother and another woman called Janet.

"I mean it's crazy! This is all from today alone. Here's one from Mom, 'Elizabeth, please think about what you did. We can find you someone really deserving of you. It can help with your future'. I mean like, this is being blown to a different proportion!"

"I can see. Wow, they really won't let up. I'm sorry Elizabeth, I think you're right."

Elizabeth throws her hands in the air, rolling her eyes.

"I know I'm right! But my family members are just... God, just let me calm down for a sec, I don't want to say something I'm going to regret."

I nod my head as she takes a minute to breathe. I can't imagine how stressed out she must feel right now, having myself had the luxury of my parents not caring about anything I did after high school. We hardly even talk anymore, albeit they would send a few post or holiday cards once or twice a year.

As she's running her hand through her hair, my phone vibrates on my desk and I see it's from Mr. Hamsure.

On the screen lock, it reads:

Gordon :) : How are you? You still wanna come over today? :).

I blush slightly, it being a few days since we've talked. I look up at Elizabeth who's still running her hand through her hair, maybe to soothe herself.

"Hey," I say,

"Can I text someone real quick?"

"Oh sure, yeah. Sorry, I came on your time."

"No, you didn't. I'm always open to chatting Elizabeth."

She smiles and nods, brightening the whole room again.

"Thanks Calvin."

I return the gesture and pick up my phone, scrolling into his contact with a kind of giddiness. What do I respond with? Maybe a 'Hey, yeah I'm good, besides being arrested an all... but yeah I would love to come over and make out with you some more'. I grimace at the thought and instead write out my text a little more subtly.

Me: Hey Gordon, it felt like forever. Yeah I can totally come over :)

Gordon :): That's great, nice to hear you okay... maybe we can pick up where we left off ;)

I feel my cheeks heat up and I know I'm probably sporting a cranberry blush, dark enough for Elizabeth to notice.

"You okay Calvin? Your face just turned all red."

"Oh me? Mhm totally fine." I lie. Honestly, I'm a little relieved he didn't bring up the whole event that happened a couple of nights ago again. I would rather forget about it than anything, especially since it might have been the most terrifying night of my life.

I text back with slightly trembling fingers.

Me: Ah ha, yeah. Well maybe, I don't know, we'll see uh

I delete the whole line and internally slap my forehead. No way, I just need to keep cool.

Me: Maybe ;) I'll see you after work.

And... send. I sit back in my seat, smiling hypnotically at my phone while forgetting that Elizabeth was sitting a few feet in front of me. She waves a hand around and snaps her fingers, snatching me from my trance.

"Hello? Earth to Calvin? What's going on?"

"Huh? Oh, it's just a... you know, nothing important." I try to save, but I know I've failed when I see her expression slowly changing.

"Oh... my... god... Calvin, I know that look and that stutter from anywhere... You've found someone else!"

Have a good day yall! Hugs!

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