Tempting - Chapter 14: Satisfied

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He gradually puts his arm on the couch head behind me, making my mouth fall open.

"I know a way you can earn them." He breathes. He leans in close as he glides his finger over my

bottom lip. My heart says to lean in with it and kiss him, but my head tells me that he'll probably

just reject me like last time.

With as much will power as I can muster, I turn my head away, knitting my eyebrows into a

frown. David leans back slightly in surprise, looking over my face.

"What's wrong?" He asks. I shake my head, twisting my fingers into my lap.

"Do you actually want to... to kiss me this time?" I falter, my heart beating in my ears. I try to

keep my voice steady but I can hear the slight wobble at the end of each word.

"Why wouldn't I want to?"

"... That day when we were kissing, and you stopped... I know it wasn't a big deal, i just want to know how far I guess...How far we'll go. I don't know what I'm trying to say-"

"Were you not satisfied with our previous encounter?" He replies. Again, its so easy to fall heavily

into those bright amber eyes but at least I have a little restraint. However, the way he's looking

at me now, his head slightly down and that enticing expression on his face, I can't help but feel a

little aroused. Okay, no I am defiantly about to pass out.

I look away, my breaths getting heavier as I feel his fingers brush the back of my flushed neck.

"I don't want to hurt you Calvin, and I defiantly don't want you to feel played with." He takes my

chin and brings it up to his face, kissing my lips softly. I needly melt into the kiss, but give a

frustrated sigh when he pulls away. I can actually feel myself about to yell at him, which is

something entirely new to me. I've never felt emotions this intense.

I look between his eyes as he chuckles slightly.

"I want you to feel satisfied."

"Then please..."

"What do you want me to do Calvin? I need a straight forward answer." He smirks, guiding his

thumb over my chin, like its some type of game.

"Let's... um kiss?"

"Was that a question?"

"I-I want to kiss you. That sounds so cringey out loud." I breathe. He brings his mouth closer to

my own so we're barely touching. I want to move in, taste him again, but I feel his fingers hold

my head in place.

"That's not all you want me to do to you." His eyes are so intense that I feel he's staring straight

through me. My clothes feel like its trapping the heat on my body and I badly want to take them

off. My hands are red which means that my face is probably a bright crimson at this point.

I nod at him slowly.

"Say it Calvin, what do you want?"

"I want..."


I swallow,

"I want us to..." Suddenly he closes the distance between us, once again. However, this time he

continues to follow the kiss, without pulling away. I hesitate, but again melt on his soft warm

lips. I place my hand on his muscular shoulder, feeling the way it shifts under my finger tips.

"Let's go to my room." He whispers on my lips. Again, my heart races furiously in my chest, and I

conclude that if I were to have a heart attack, I wouldn't be surprised.

He wants to take me to his room? Are we going to...

I feel heat rush to the area below my stomach as he raises me up from the couch, guiding me to

his room. His little dogs tail us, barking playfully while trying to get the attention of their owner.

"Hey Bismuth, Diesel, out." He gently pushes the few dogs out before closing his wooden door. I

can't believe my eyes.

The room is decorated with bright ivory sheets, and golden drapes hang from tall glass windows.

A big crimson bed is sitting in the middle wall of the room, tall supports holding fabrics over the

outside of it. It looks like something from a fairy tale.

David walks to it, pulling away the sheets before sitting on the edge, motioning me forward.

Okay, this is really happening.

I timidly move in front of him, and as I do, he grabs my waist and lays his back against the


I try to balance on top of him as he goes for me neck, kissing it softly. He guides his lips from my

collarbone to my chin while I try not to whimper and groan.

"Calvin..." He mutters in my ear, making my face get extremely hot.

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