facing fears

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How long had he already been there?
"Will." His eyes snap up to the woman before him. "Mrs. Lecter." She nods softly. "Will. I know you're innocent. If I wasn't sure before already the judge being killed in that very similar manner should do it, hu?" He blinks. Surprised. "You believe me when it comes to your.." "No. I can't believe Hannibal would be capable of such things. I can't and I don't want to. But I do not doubt your innocence either. I've gotten to know you, Will. And not once did I feel the need to run away from you. My intuition has never truly failed me. Seeing as I've gotten to know you and maybe with the help of a few maternal hormones I feel responsible for you. I'll try and do what I can to prove your innocence Will but.. I'm a doctor not an investigator so I doubt you can really get your hopes up."
Will cracks a small smile. "I know who is responsible for all this but still.. Thank you Mrs. Lecter." Will gets up, sticking his hand through the cage. And, despite the security guy yelling at her to step back Saturn Atlas Lecter reaches out taking his hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. Will feels something inside his hand and, retracting his hand as Saturn steps back, waving off the guard. "What did you give him?" "Open it, Will.", Saturn smiles. The male nods and opens the slightly crumpled piece of paper. In squiggly letters is 'We miss you Will! From Cassy and Janus' written on it, along with a few messy pictures of butterflies, birds and a few stickmen. "Cassy and Janus seem to really miss you. Well.. Cassy more than Janus since he is barely over a year old but.. you get it." Will nods. "Tell them both thank you from me." "I will. See you hopefully soon, Will."
He nods. "Take care."
Saturn leaves and her scent lingers a moment longer as Will looks back down at the drawing. Flattening it against the ground the guard brings him some putty. "Here." Hanging the picture up on the wall Will stares at it.
He would save them from Lecter. He couldn't save Abigail. But nothing would hurt Saturn, Cassiopeia and Janus as long as he lived. "I want to call someone." "And who?" "Freddie Lounds."

Standing across from his admirer Will debates inwardly. "What can I do for you, my friend?" "I want Hannibal Lecter dead."
Humming the male nods, turning to go. "I need his wife and children to stay alive." "What for?" Will hums. "Have you ever laid eyes upon someone perfectly innocent. With nothing but good things to their name?" "No.." "Saturn Atlas Lecter is that person, her children mirror her. She is the perfection that inspires my art." The male hums. "Leave it to me then.. anything for a friend."

Entering the swimming pool the man stalks the swimming psychologist down. He waits for him to dive under the water surface and stands close to the edge of the pool as Hannibal Lecter glides through the water, resurfacing by his feet. Their eyes lock for a bare second before he deals a blow to the mans head, leaving him unconscious.
As he regains consciousness, slowly and painfully, Hannibal Lecter finds himself facing a dog let loose from its leash. A dog trained to bite. As far as he is concerned only one person would be able to do just that. One person behind bars. Will Graham.
"I'd usually not work this inefficient. This slow. But I'm doing this as a favour to a friend of mine and.. I think this image is something that friend will enjoy. They want something that's yours and who am I to reject a friend's request?" His life drips from the open gashes in his forearms in form of red waterfalls. "Will Graham is not who you think him to be." "Is he now? Even if.. this is just some fun to find out what exactly is perfection.." "Perfection?" Hannibals form catches Jack Crawford nearing. "A planet spinning in the darkness, flawless in it's dance." The words rile up the tied up Cannibal beyond all imagination. It was Saturn. The bastard had plans for his wife.." "He's got a gun, Jack!"
Next he knows shots fall and he is choking on the words perhaps his last and on the rope tied around his neck.

Saturn rushes through the doors of the hospital, pushing past the agents looking at her pityingly. "Hannibal!" Her heart beats out of her chest as she sees him there. Large cuts in both his arms stitched up and a purple mark around his neck where the rope had tightened and tried to take his life from her. "Hannibal." Tears fall from her eyes as she hurries over to him, gently cupping his face and kissing his forehead before resting hers against his. She breathes in and out shakily, trying to control her tears as her husband tugs her into his lap, wrapping his freshly bandaged arms around her as she cries for him and everything she could have lost. Meanwhile the cannibal has finally calmed completely. Saturn had chosen to be right there with him. He had not forced her to be. He would never have to fear her leaving him for Will Graham. Hannibal was certain. Saturn would stay with him as long as he'd remember one thing. To never let her know of his artistic and culinary pursuits. "I'm here." His words are simple. He knows that very well. Yet he knows even better that they are powerful. She merely nods, pressing her face closer to his skin. The hot tears drench his skin in flames, setting him on fire. He places soft kisses on her hair and neck, yet he remains quiet. "I love you." "I.. love you too. So much.", his beautiful, perfect wife whispers. And he knows better than to dare question her words. Gathering her he gently guides her to face him before bringing his lips to hers. Her eyes fall shut as she carefully wraps her arms around him. "Never make me worry like this again, Hannibal. I can't lose you. We can't lose you." He hums softly as he runs his fingers through her hair. Its scent reminds him of home. "I won't. I promise you."

Cerulean [Hannibal] ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora