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It had been three days later when Will found himself in a frenzy and ringing at the Lecter's doorbell. The door is opened by a redheaded woman with a smile on her lips. "Yes?" "I.. Is Doctor Lecter there?" "Will. Come in." Saturn's voice reaches both of them and the redhead opens the door enough for him to get inside. "Hello Mrs. Lecter. Hello Cassiopeia." The little girl shyly waves, while Saturn pat's his shoulder. "Amber, this is Will Graham. He is in the care of Hannibal and one of his co-workers. Will, this is my best friend Amber Greene." "Nice to meet you. Now. You!", Amber points at Saturn, "Are going back upstairs and taking a good moments rest, mama. Your ankles are going to be swelling up and you know I hate the way Hannibal looks at me when he disapproves of my work." Saturn sighs, scoops up her daughter, then walks back upstairs. "You can follow me. Hannibal is in the study."
"You are here to take care of Saturn?" "I am. We decided already during her first pregnancy to never have her be alone so that she is always taken care of. Hannibal is in his office most of the time. That means it's up to me to spoil her." "That didn't seem like spoiling." Amber chuckles. "She doesn't really want to be spoiled. I kind of have to force her." "Why wouldn't she?" "Well.. the answer is because she feels like a burden if we both hover around her 24/7 but honestly.. Hannibal even pays me since I am a professional midwife although I offered to work for free. Saturn is my best friend. My family. I would do anything for her. But hey. Working with someone you love and getting paid for it is the best thing ever." Will smiles to himself. Amber stops in front of a large winged door and knocks. "Hannibal! Will Graham is here. Can we come in?" "Yes, please." Opening the door Amber gestures for Will to step inside, which he does. Looking around the large study he is in awe of the amount of books in the room with the highest walls he had ever seen. The bookshelves reach the ceiling and have a sliding ladder attached to the top of them so that one can actually reach the books from the upper shelves. "Ah. Will. Come in. How can I be of assistance?", Hannibal greets him, before turning to Amber. "Saturn is alright?" "She is trying to escape my care. But no worries. She can't." Hannibal chuckles, then nods. "Thank you, Amber." "Anytime. That's my baby after all.", the redhead chirps, before leaving the room.
"I need your help to see someone's face, Doctor." Hannibal hums.
"Then I shall help you as best I can."

Saturn cries out in pain as she clutches her husband's hand.
Whomever said that the second child would be easier had lied. It was just as bad, if not worse. Tears stream from her eyes and she barely can even hear the soothing words her husband is whispering into her hair.
Finally the first cry fills the room and she takes a deep breath. "It's a boy. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Lecter."
Saturn barely even feels the afterbirth leaving her body. She was numb. But all the feelings return to her when she holds her son in her arms. Tears fill her eyes as she holds him close as he drinks from her for the first time. "Mommy!" "Hey Mama." Amber and Cassiopeia enter and join her, Hannibal and their son on the bed. "Baby brother..", Cassiopeia beams. "Yeah.. you can hold his hand. Very gently." "What's his name?" Saturn smiles. "Janus Orion."
Hannibal leans down and kisses his wives forehead, then his daughters.
His family was now completed.

"Do you have any idea why Dr. Lecter isn't picking up the phone?", Jack Crawford asks, rushing into Wills lesson. The man, clearly bothered by the interruption, takes off his glasses, rubbing his eyes. "His wife has gone into labour today, Jack. I am sure he's at the hospital with her." Crawford stops. "How do you know?" "Because I was just as confused as you about not being able to reach Dr. Lecter so I called Mrs. Lecter. Her friend answered her phone and informed me that Saturn's water had broken a couple minutes earlier and she is on her way to the hospital with Dr. Lecter." Jack nods before leaving the auditorium. "Back to the topic at hand. Which clue was it that lead us to our Perpetrator?", Will attempts to pick the lesson back up where he left off but the damage had been done. Thrown off his momentum the empath feels a bit out of control. He finally ends the lesson early, leaving the classroom and quickly driving home where his dogs await him. He lays back down onto his couch, petting their soft fur.
He would try and visit the Lecters as soon as possible.

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