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It had turned out that the live show Saturn wanted to visit was scheduled two days previous to the opera. So there he was, his hand holding the much smaller, fragile one of Saturn herself. He had dressed more casual than usual. That way he fit right in with the other people having come to watch the performance. It was so much smaller, casual and personal than he was used to, but holding the warm hand of the younger woman somehow made it worth while. That and the songs.
Despite himself, he actually found himself listening to her song over and over.
How rare and beautiful it truly is to even exist.
Indeed. Life itself was so fragile. He knew that better than most. For he had both saved and taken enough lives to know. But this one life he was quite literally holding in his hand right there he didn't want to end nor preserve. He wanted to define it. His hand slides out of hers and he tucks her into his side. Her body slightly leans against his and her arm wraps around his back, getting rid of the small barrier between their bodies temperatures.
She seemed a good bit cooler than her hand. A sign of slightly lower bloodpressure he'd guess. Maybe a consequence of her diet. Not that she'd ever be able to change it. Her health problems would keep her from it. And although it would mean that he could never present her with a loving heart, as this young woman that had so willingly and openheartedly accepted him into her life, would deserve, it might be beneficial to him as well.. She would never have to find out. And since she didn't even like the view of meat, it would be easy to hide his habits from her.
Gently he squeezes her and she looks up at him, away from the stage where her gaze before had rested. She gives him a questioning smile, silent, as to not disturb the harmonic atmosphere of the music. He just gives her a small smile back and she simply leans back into him, wrapping her other arm around him as well, closing her eyes to listen more closely to the song the artist is currently playing. That very moment inspiration strikes him. How he would display the next donors for his dinner. The next dinner he'd share with her. The Chesapeak Ripper, Hannibal Lecter, had found his muse.
After the show they walk out quietly, their fingers laced up. Just when they are out of the building Saturn breaks the silence. "Did you enjoy the music?" "More than I expected to. I do usually prefer classical music. Pieces still speaking of perfection and emotion hundreds of years later." "I do like a lot of pieces by Chopin, Beethoven, Tschaikovsky and Ludovico but modern artists do have a lot to give as well. even when it comes to just instruments speaking. Take Abel Korzeniowski or Yiruma for an example. Their music is simply breathtaking. I really do hope it endures until our generations have long passed. People should always have the opportunity to enjoy good music and not get lost in the mostly meaningless chart songs. Not that I can deny the appeal of it. If there is no meaning one can easily avoid reality. But only fools choose to not look at the world for what it is." She stops herself in her flow of words, gives him a small smile. "Sorry. I got carried away." "Don't apologize. I quite enjoyed what you said. And with a lot of it I can agree. You may continue." She smiles. "Well.. where was I?" "How only fools avoid reality." "Right. I do believe that one must see to be able to actively change something for the better. And there is so much that needs betterment. In general people who do look into those things are cast outs of society. Punks, Goths, Emos, Nerds.. I don't think I have enough time to include all of them. But they do try to bring attention to what is wrong with our society, yet they fail. Because in ignorance lays bliss. People don't want to hear of war. Of starvation. Of how people suffer. 300000 veterans are homeless in the states currently. And the number is constantly rising. 1.4 million veterans are at risk of homelessness. 67% of veterans are at risk to be homeless for at least 3 years when they return. And a lot of them are far too mentally damaged by what they have had to suffer to adapt to society again. There is nothing and no one breaking their fall because the people here just hate taxes. It frustrates me to no end, Hannibal. Or the schooling situation. I had to take a loan to go to med school for over 200.000$. That's insane! And all of that just because a bunch of entitled brats wanted everything to be for free, better said to be paid for by the state, allowing the universities to raise the tuitions to ridiculous numbers. And don't even get me started on the useless books. All that money could be better spent at providing for people who need it. It would make the whole nation a better place. And all it would take would be a good taxing system and reasonable education prices. I've been there, Hannibal. I've been a field doctor for soldiers for a year before I left after getting stabbed by a man I was trying to save. He was so traumatised by the attack he had been the sole survivor of, he was stuck in that moment when he regained consciousness. In his fear he had stabbed a knife into my side, while crying out for his comrades. When he finally realised what he had done and what had happened he fell down to his knees in front of me. He hugged my legs and cried like a child, apologizing over and over again. Mostly he apologized for surviving. The world is a dark place. That's why I have decided to spent my life trying to help. No matter at what cost. But even little things like music can help. Can save lives. And sadly people underestimate the power of words, unspoken or said." Just when she is finished they stand right in front of his car. He had picked her up from her home. His breath gets caught a bit as she turns to face him. Her eyes full of grief for the world. He pulls her into his arms and embraces her subtle scent, her fragile form. And she embraces him as well.. It almost felt like Mischa. Only that this woman in his arms was desirable to him. He had adored his sister. Without question. But this was the first time he felt this form of desire. Different from his hunger, yet reminiscent. He wanted to devour her but not in a physical way. More in a metaphorical one. And he would let nothing hold him back from that.

Cerulean [Hannibal] ✓Where stories live. Discover now