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"Dr. Atlas! We are going out for some food today. Are you joining us?" Michael Durst, one of the interns at the facility is standing in her office door, while the young woman is hastily packing up her things for the day. "Sorry.. I'm getting picked up.", she calls over to him. "Having friends over?" "Dinner with my partner, actually. I think we both are a bit too old to say boyfriend or girlfriend... What do you think?" "You are dating? Since when?" "2 months now.", Saturn smiles, straightening up. "Someone from the department?" Michael walks in and jumps onto the table, watching her as she puts all of her remaining things into her purse. "Not at all. We've met at Sartaines party. You know. The idiotic sod who even got himself killed a few weeks after I rejected him for his second doctor?" "I remember. Now.. Name?!" A knock interrupts the conversation. Standing in her door is Hannibal himself. Flowers in hand. This time it's white roses. "Am I interrupting?" "Not at all. Hannibal, this is Michael Durst. Our intern. He's just invited me along for dinner with the rest of our colleagues. But I already told him I have a very lovely date tonight." She winks at the psychiatrist who chuckles, then offers his hand to the young man, maybe 25. "Hannibal Lecter. Pleasure." "That it is. Nice to meet you." Michael shakes his hand. "Ready to head out then?", Hannibal asks, handing Saturn the flowers that she hugs close to her chest. "Yup. Where are we going anyways?" "You said you wanted to see Phantom of the Opera, did you not?" "Really?!" "Yes. I hope you'll be swift enough with changing." "I'll only take five minutes, I promise." She wraps her arms around his neck and presses a kiss to his cheek, laughing. "Thank you thank you thank you! You are the best. Michael. Hurry along. I need to lock up now." "On my way boss... Enjoy yourself." "Oh I will." The young man hurries out of her office that she quickly locks, then she rushes past both men. "Eriiiiiik!", she laughs happily, her excitement to see the musical live rushing through her. "I don't want to seem rude but aren't you at least old enough to be her father, Sir?" "Even if I am she is still dating me. What does that tell you?", Hannibal says, unapologetic and confident as he was, when nobody could prove it in case they'd dare to try and tell on him. Then he follows his very excited date outside. He'd deal with the insolent brat at next chance. Right now it was her that mattered. His very own lady.

Unlocking his car for her she is inside in seconds. It amused him greatly just how excited she was for a simple musical. But then again, it was her favorite. And he had sometimes caught her singing the songs of the movie to herself while doing housework as he visited her home. Although still he couldn't understand her love for the storyline and especially the main character, the Phantom Erik. Yet he found himself almost envying the phantom, or imagining the way his life could have been if Saturn had been in his early years of life. Would she have accepted his disfigurement? His gaze falls onto his left hand where a long faded scar reminds him of his additional finger. Mid-ray duplication polydactyly. A rare genetic mutation. Looking at her, she would most definitely have accepted him no matter how. If even now she was uncaring when it came to his age, his hand would have been no concern, really. "What are you thinking about?" Her voice carries mild concern, but she tries to keep it out of her face. "How about I'll tell you after the show?", he asks. "But.. you are alright, yes?" "I am." "Can you promise me that?" As they stop at a redlight he quickly takes her hand and kisses it, before placing it on his thigh where she simply leaves it, rubbing her thumb over the fabric of his suit. Just as he continues to drive, the light turned green again, he nods. "I promise." She gives him a smile, that he catches from the corner of his eye, before looking ahead. The moment they arrive at her house she storms inside and is gone, but she leaves the door open for him. He steps into her home that now felt like a second home to him. They'd spend a lot of time here. Less than at his house. And quite frankly.. he was glad about that. He didn't want her to accidentally stumble across his.. art inspirations or.. freshly slaughtered prey. In less than five minutes she is back down with him. Much to his surprise another blue dress he yet had to see. In the light where she stood its tulle skirt was practically transparent, showing the shape of her long, well shaped legs. She had chosen silver jewelry and a pair of low silver heels. In mere seconds she is by his side. "Good enough for 5 minutes?", she asks, giving him a cheeky grin. Never in his life had Hannibal witnessed a woman getting ready in such short time. He places a kiss on her hand, as he guides her towards the door. "You look beautiful." Her cheeks flush and she laughs softly, hurrying to keep up with him. "Let's enjoy the musical then. I hope you'll love it just as much as I do. Because if you do.. Hamilton is next." Hannibal only smiles at her subtle hint at if necessary dragging him along to that show. They leave the house, locking the door behind them, with the white roses standing in a vase in the entrance hall.

Upon their arrival they quickly enter the large theatre and take their seats in the box where Hannibal had reserved them. She takes her seat and his hand, giving him a happy smile. "Thank you. Really. I can't even put into words how much I love 'Phantom of the Opera'." He gently squeezes her hand. "I knew you'd enjoy it, love." Her cheeks flush a deep scarlet at the nickname. And in her eyes he can see it. She was falling deeper and deeper for him.
She was right where he needed her to be.

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