☔️raindrop ~Wooseok☔️

Start from the beginning

"Can I please come in?" He asks me, holding a beanie over his head to try and shield himself from the rain. I can tell he's cold, wet, and shivering.

"Nope" I say, slamming the door in his face. Why would I let a complete stranger in my house?

I walk away from the door and return to the dustpan, which was now filled with the chips I swept up. While I up the dustpan and walk to the trash can in my kitchen, another knock sounds on my door.

Ignoring the knocks on my door, I pour the chips into the trash can, and put the broom back in it's proper place. "He'll go away soon" I tell myself, praying that he actually goes away. But as soon as the words leave my mouth, the man pounds on the door with all his might, causing me to jump.

Angry, I rush over to the door and swing it open.

"WHAT?!" I yell at him as the door swings open.

"Please I'm soaked and there's not another house for a long while" he says, his eyes pleading with me.

"Please" he begs me again, raising his eyebrows. The second please almost gets me, but I stand my ground. I open my mouth to protest, but he beats me to it.

"I'll pay you!" He interrupts me, taking a step towards me. I look up towards him and sigh, do I really wanna do this?

"Okay. Fine. But tell me your name and date of birth first" I command, standing in front of my door so he wouldn't try to push past me. The rain was still coming down hard outside, so my clothes end up getting a little wet.

"My name is Jung Wooseok, and I was born January 31st 1998" Wooseok says to me, uncomfortably shifting to try and get out of the rain as much as possible. I write his name down in my phone and text my friend: "if I go missing he did it" along with his name and date of birth.

"Alright fine come in" I say reluctantly, rolling my eyes and moving out of the way so he can step inside. Immediately he rushes inside and takes his shoes off.

"Thank you so much omg, you have no idea how happy I am to get out of that rain" Wooseok smiles at me, immediately taking off his shoes when he enters the door. He shuts the door behind him and I turn around to look at him. Wooseok really does look pitiful. The only thing that's on him that isn't completely wet is his hair, which the beanie kept dry.

"What's your name?" He squeaks, uncomfortably shifting around in his wet clothes.

"My name is Jaz. D-d-do you want different clothes?" I ask him, watching his clothes drop into a puddle on the floor.

"If it's not too much trouble...yes please" he smiles and half bows at me. His smile was shy and bright, contrasting how pitiful he looked.

I speed walk to a closet down the hall and pull out a towel. Walking back to Wooseok, I throw the towel at him, "here. Try not to wet up my floor too much" I half joke with him. A part of me cared about my wet floors but the other part of me hoped that it'd keep him warm while I find some clothes. The towel hits Wooseok in his face and he scrambles to get it off of him. Before he can even say thank you, I run to my guest room to look for some clothes.

Usually, I wear baggy shorts and pants, and he seemed pretty skinny, so I don't think the pants will be a problem. So it more the shirts I'm worried about. When I get into the guest room I forcefully pull the drawer open and take a pair of basketball shorts out. Closing the drawer, I open the one above it to look for a shirt.

I really didn't have any shirts near his size. I wasn't really a petite girl, but even I knew that the shirts would be too small. Sighing, I pull out a hoodie from the drawer.

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