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moon river (cover) - alice kristiansen

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moon river (cover) - alice kristiansen


one of his favorite things to do was watching anime. Jungkook had often thought about how he would look like if he were in an anime. how would the artist portray him? how would his personality be? what part would he play in the story?

he didn't expect an anime-like picture when Taehyung turned his ipad around. Jungkook's face got illuminated by the screen. his eyes analyzed all the details of the older's art piece.

the boy in the picture had dark, inky hair. it looked really fluffy and soft. his lips were of a cute pink color. a rosy blush on his cheeks. he had warm, amber eyes. the colorful explosions of fireworks reflecting in them. his hands were wrapped around his knees. dark skinny jeans and a big, comfy sweater. shiny jewelry.

Taehyung took Jungkook's thumb and pressed it against the screen. a short animation started playing. the boy on the screen scrunched his nose, eyes squeezed shut as he laughed. Jungkook smiled at the screen as the clip stopped playing. it was so pretty.

"it's you."

Jungkook looked up, his eyes widened in disbelief. the older, who had watched him the whole time, flashed him a genuine smile.


"i was in an art block and had no inspiration for the past few weeks. watching you smile at the fireworks on new year's made me want to draw again."

Jungkook just stared at the other.

he had turned him into an anime boy.

"you don't like it ? i know i should have probably asked you for permission first but i was not sure if i could text you or come visit you in-"

"it's beautiful."

Jungkook interrupted Taehyung's mumbling. they smiled at each other.

"can you show me more?"

the older nodded and patted the place besides him, gesturing the younger to sit next to him. Jungkook sat down. knees touching. he could feel Taehyung's warmth. he watched him swipe on the screen searching for art. but Jungkook looked at his face. his soft cheeks and pretty eyes. the mole on his nose. he wanted to touch it. cup his face. get to know how it feels.

stop thinking like that!

Jungkook tried to focus on the screen again.

Taehyung chuckled as he showed him another art piece. it was Jungkook again, this time in a more realistic design. he wore his green apron standing behind the counter, fairy lights on the walls.

"when i came in the first time."

"obsessed much."

Jungkook chuckled as the other playfully hit his arm.

"no... i thought you were you cute and good-looking so i wanted to perpetuate that in art. now stop laughing at me, will you?"

but the couldn't hold back his own chuckles.
they looked at Taehyung's art and teased each other until it got late again.

after closing the shop after 11pm, he made his way through the rain to his apartment. it wasn't heavy rain, just a few drops. he breathed in, the scent of the fresh and cold air. small clouds rose when he let out it again. he loved the rain but the time after it was his favorite. right in the moment when it stopped, when the air was fresh. it felt like a new beginning. as if the bad was washed away and made space for something good.

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