Chapter 24: Annabeth gets Outmaneuvered

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Getting to Zeus' Fist by way of the southern flank proved easy for Thalia and her strike team. She had Atalanta, Cassandra, Gracey, and Lila with her, and all were very able Hunters. The group came across a couple patrols on the way, but they were easily dispatched. As they neared Zeus' First the team crept forward slowly and stealthily, they couldn't afford to get caught this deep into enemy territory. As they neared they could see the banner right where it always was, up at the top of the rocks. There were a good amount of campers milling about too, Annabeth seemed to be also using it as an HQ of sorts.

From their hiding spot within the underbrush the small group of Hunters watched as a Hermes boy ran breathlessly into the clearing. "Yes?" Annabeth questioned.

"Assault teams Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Omega have found the enemy flag in Bunker 9, and engaged the defenders," the boy replied, still trying to catch his breath.

Annabeth frowned, if the assault teams had engaged that meant Piper had failed. "And?" Annabeth asked expectantly.

"We thought it would be easy because we only spotted the traitors outside and five defenders inside, so Piper went in first like you instructed. But, Piper was tricked by the traitors, Jacob Firth and Hannah Andle. They let her believe the Charmspeak had worked before getting her from behind with some sort of arrow that wrapped her in bronze cords. Assault teams engaged, but it was a trap. A group of Hunters were stationed on the ridge above the bunker, last thing I saw was the traitors retreating inside the bunker while the Hunters were trying to suppress the assault teams."

Annabeth frowned, she hadn't been expecting that large of a defensive force. The Hunters tended to be more offensive. "Very well, inform Jason to commence his attack," she ordered the Hermes boy. She then turned to her brother Malcom. "This complicates things. I want patrols on high alert and the capture team ready to move, the Hunters should be moving in soon." Malcom gave his affirmative and moved off to instruct a group of Hermes campers.

Hermes messengers broke off into the forest as Thalia felt a presence next to her. Looking up, she saw that Hannah had Shadow Traveled next to her with Jacob. "Get down," Thalia hissed as she pulled on Hannah's arm.

"Oh, hey Lightning Rod," Hannah whispered.

"What are you doing here?" Thalia scowled. "They just said you were at the bunker."

"We took care of the first attack," Jacob explained. "Peri showed up just in time."

Thalia looked back at Hannah to see that she was studying the flag. "I'm so tempted to just make a jump up there and grab the flag."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," a voice behind the group whispered. Startled, they all turned around as fast as they could without revealing their position.

"By Jupiter's name!" Jacob exclaimed. "Juniper, how many times have I told you not to do that!" he whisper-yelled.

"Sorry," Juniper apologized sheepishly.

"I heard you guys here and wanted to tell you that the Hephaestus and Hecate kids set some traps up there to catch you.."

"Um, thanks," Hannah said. "But why are you helping us?"

Juniper's face darkened. "Because she banished Grover when he refused to believe her." Suddenly, Juniper looked panicked. "Hide!" she exclaimed before disappearing in a puff of green mist.

"Patrol, coming this way," Atalanta whispered.

Hannah and Jacob exchanged a glance. "We'll handle this," Hannah whispered. "When you get the signal, rush for the flag."

The Male Hunter | Olympus' Traitor #1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora