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The fight went on. Jet pushed Zuko out of the tea shop, we all followed close behind, stopping at the door.

"You must be getting pretty tired of using those swords, Why don't you firebend at me?" Jet taunted he was close to Zuko, pinning him against the wall, Zuko pushed him off and continued fighting.

"Please son, you're confused! You don't know what you're doing!" Iroh called as we walked out.

"Bet you'd wish he'd help you out with a little fire blast now!" Jet said.

Zuko caught one of Jet's swords and looked at him. "You're the one who needs help now!" Zuko swung his sword and Jet duck but he cut the tip of wheat that Jet always held in between his teeth.

Jet jumped onto the water well in the center. "You see that," He pointed to Zuko. "The Fire Nation is trying to silence me, It'll never happen!"
   Jet looked at me. "Why are you helping them?!"

"I don't know what you're talking about." I replied, he glared at me.

"The Fire Nation killed your mot-" I took the water from the well and shot him back.

Jet got back up, he went to kick Zuko but missed and they began to fight again. I grabbed the water, whipping him back into a wall and he came running at me, Zuko stood in front of me bocking the hit and I froze Jet before slamming him into a wall the ice shattering. I was ready to hit him again but stopped when I saw the men who looked more than official and scary.

"Drop your weapons!" They called and both boys stopped.

"Arrest them! They are both Fire Nation." Jet shouted pointing to us.

"She was waterbending." Zian said. "Clearly she's not a firebender, I doubt she would travel with them let alone live with them."

I glanced at Zuko and he glanced at me. I put the water back in the well.

"This poor boy is confused," Iroh said. "We're just simple refugees. She is from the Northern Water Tribe, we promised her grandfather to take care of her." Iroh placed his hand on my shoulder.

"This young man wrecked my tea shop and assulted my employees!" Pao, our boss told them.

"It's true sir." One of the officers said. "We saw the whole thing, this crazy kid attacked the finest tea maker in this city."

"Aw, that's very sweet!" Iroh blushed.

"Come with us son." The guard said and Jet tried to hit them but I saw the rock on the guys hand as he stopped it and they handcuffed him.

"You don't understand they're Fire Nation! You have to believe me!" Jet shouted.

I watched as they dragged him to a cart and I wondered where his two Freedom Fighters were. I thought they would be here, maybe I was right about them changing.
   I was also right about Jet not changing as easily as they had all wanted him to but we all knew that wasn't going to happen.

"Natsumi!" I looked back at Zian. "Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded.

"Y-yeah.." I stuttered. "Who are those guys?"

"Dai Li agents, they take care of the city, best Earthbenders in the entire Kingdom." He replied. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Oh yeah." I nodded then looked at him. "Sorry but.. Why do you care?"

"I like you." He admitted and bowed his head. I blushed.

"I..I.." I stuttered, rubbing the back of my neck.

"How about you take her on a date?" I jumped at the sound of Iroh's voice forgetting he was right next to me.

"You don't have to!" I quickly said a blush crossing my face but he chuckled.

"How about tomorrow morning?" Zian asked.

"Oh.. I work in the mornings" I replied.

"I can get Pao, to give you the morning off." Iroh smiled and I nodded.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow morning." I smiled.

"Great." He waved and walked away.

I glanced at Zuko then glared at Iroh. "That was embarrasing."

"Two young kids like you and Zuko, should date other people." Iroh said and we headed back. "Don't ruin something before it has started."

"I could get my own dates, Thank you very much!" I held my head up and walked back to the tea shop.

I felt embarrassed but I also felt bad for agreeing when I clearly liked Zuko. I wonder how he felt about it, not to sound conceded but I hope he did feel a little jealous.
I've been on a date, a couple. It was with the same guy but I have to move on from Yoshiro. I looked at the necklace around my wrist with a smile.
But he will never be forgotten, he was my first love after all.


The tea shop was almost empty that morning just some girl who came in here often to have tea and read and an old guy who just drank his tea. I was restocking the shelf that held the tea jars, while I waited for Zian, Iroh was holding the ladder so I wouldn't fall which was sweet of him. Zuko was sweeping.

"Uncle, we have a problem." Zuko whispered and I listened. "One of the customers is onto us, don't look now but there is a girl over at the corner table, she knows we're Fire Nation."

I looked over my shoulder at the girl with dark hair who was reading.

"Didn't I say don't look?" Zuko hissed at us.

"You're right, Zuko." Iroh said. "I've seen that girl in here quiet a lot, seems to me like she has quite a little crush on you."

"What?!" Zuko and I asked at the same time and I almost fell of the ladder but Zuko placed his hands on my hips keeping me up.

I placed the jar down and climbed down.

"Thank you for the tea." The girl said and paid. I grabbed the broom and walked over to a table to still be able to listen. "What's your name?"

"My name's Lee." Zuko replied and that surprised me and I looked up at him. "My uncle and I just moved here along with a traveling friend."


They looked at me and I smiled and waved before going back to sweeping. I have a date with Zian it shouldn't matter to me...but it does.

"Hi Lee." She said. "My name's Jin, thank you and well I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime."

Yeah right.

"He'd love too!" I heard Iroh say and then Jin said she would meet him in front of the shop at sun down.

I walked past her to see Iroh grinning at Zuko then at me. I glared at Zuko and walked past both of them into the kitchen.

"Why are you so mad?" Zuko asked. "If I remember clearly you have a date with someone too."

"Then I'm not mad, nor should I have a reason to be." I said feeling a heavy pit in my stomach. "We should get back to serving tea." I said before walking out.

Edited; 11/05/20
Re-Edited; 7/10/21

Kaida Queen Of Ice <<ATLA; Book two: Earth>>Where stories live. Discover now