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We often argued a lot, mainly about the stops and money. We were both starving, I mean why wouldn't we be? We both smelled something and looked over at the couple who had meat cooking over a fire. Zuko reach for his sword and I was all for it but then I placed my hand over his.

"She's carrying a baby." I sighed and he did too as we continued moving. I laid my head on his back, it was hot and uncomfortable due to the sweat but I wanted to rest so badly. "I told you we should have stopped by that village for a while." I said.

"I'll take that water now." Zuko said and I gave it to him. He took a sip but gave it back to me. "Have the rest of it."

"Thanks." I said and drank up the little bit that was left.

   Hopefully we will find some water somewhere else, close by if possible. I tried gathering water from the air but only a few droplets came out. What else do you expect from the desert?

We continued and I could see Zuko falling asleep or passing out from the heat. "Zuko, maybe you should take a break."

"I'm fine." He insisted we kept going and I closed my eyes to fall asleep, I guess he did too causing us to fall over.

"I'm driving!" I growled and got on holding to the reins. I smacked his hands off when he tried reaching it. "Get on and sleep, you really need it."

   With an eye roll and no arguing he climbed on and we took off, Zuko wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his head on my back and I think he dozed off.
   I was humming to keep my mind off of everything but that didn't work. I began to wonder what my slibings were doing, how Aang was doing.

   After a few hours into the ride I looked ahead and smiled. "Zuko! Look a village!" He shot up.

"Switch me back." He said while nudging me to get off so I did and we headed into the small town.

⇢ ⇢ ⇢

We made it to a village and I got off the bird grabbing onto the reins as Zuko's eyes buried into the back of my head but he also got off.
The village looked abandoned, not many people walked around like in other Earth Kingdom villages. It looked like the town was poor and almost abandoned. I felt bad and sighed. We passed a bunch of older men sitting and playing a game and they stopped to stare at us and that's when I looked away.
They were playing right in front of a shop, the shop Zuko decided was just right for us to stop at. Zuko pulled out two gold coins asking for water, feed, and something hot to eat. I rolled my eyes thinking it was already hot enough.

"Not enough here for a hot meal." The vendor said. "I can get you two bags of feed."

Zuko nodded and I glanced back at the guys who where looking at us, I then turned back around feeling uncomfortable. Zuko glance at me and I gave him a tight smile.
I heard giggles, two kids were ducking down at the corner of the booth then one stood up and threw an egg at one of the guys. The two boys ended up running away.

"Hey!" The soldiers all came over but Zuko and I didn't turn around. "You throwing eggs at us, stranger?"

"No." Zuko replied.

"You see who did throw it?" The same guy asked.

This time Zuko turned around and placed his hand on his sword. "No."

Kaida Queen Of Ice <<ATLA; Book two: Earth>>Where stories live. Discover now