33: Reality of Fights

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Though there were a lot of things that happened since Azur Lane started Operation: Snowstorm. Caster getting a sneak peek on the mysterious town, getting to meet the Ironblood fleet, fighting the Siren waves and Observer Beta, and finally reunifying Ironblood to the Azur Lane Coalition. 

Time was used so efficiently that all of those events happened in one day. 

Now that the Ironblood has finally trusted and rejoined Azur Lane once again, both of their respective objectives were completed, and finally, they got to learn the new unknown force put into the white Wisdom Cube equation. 

The crystal. Or what Tirpitz would call it: "The Memory Crystal".

For now, it is completely unknown to the Ironblood group and to Azur Lane also. But with Caster seeing Siren materials surrounding the crystal, it has sparked his interest. 

But before anything could be learned more with the crystal, the combined fleet of the Ironblood and Azur Lane is cruising back to base. In the middle of the night.

But let us turn the perspective. 

Back to the base.


In the monitor room, where many of the girls are settled in since Caster left the base, one of those 'settled' girls there is Yorktown. She was appointed by Caster to be the guardian or be the 'leader' of the remaining girls in the base.

And she has done a great job. Even in a wheelchair, her determination to not fail anymore has given her great courage to keep working. Well, granted it was for a day, but as Caster and the Ironblood used their time wisely, they did likewise. 

And one of the many good news that the Azur Lane base has for Caster is the new anti-ambush and deflector shield now surrounding the whole island. 

Now, every impending attack that's coming to the base, the alarms will be blaring in the base 15 minutes before the attack. And that's more than enough for the girls to prepare defenses and for counter-attack plans. 

So a direct attack on the base is not so ideal anymore. Good quality of life upgrade for all... 

"Hm..." Yorktown hummed as she's tapping on the table... In front of a speaker. She stayed in front of this speaker for a long time now. Since the day started, Edinburgh would bring her breakfast and lunch in the monitor room. 

The base has gotten multiple communications from Caster's fleet in the day. Including the communications on where extra clothes for Caster was called. In which, again. Roon did all by herself. Even Yorktown can't stop the restless Roon from going. It was supposed to be other girls who aren't... 'Obsessive' per se. 

And just now, they got a transmission from the Prince of Wales as she told them that the Ironblood has finally reunited back with Azur Lane. 

And obviously, everyone celebrated that major victory. An old ally finally comes back to help again. 

And after that, nothing. Nothing yet. 

"Ms. Yorktown, shall I get you out for a nice 'walk' around the base?" Edinburgh offered her assistance. As Yorktown was sitting there on one spot the whole day. And it was nighttime too. Due to her obvious health difficulties, she really needed every hour of sleep she can get. 

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