Chapter 16 | Please Be Okay (Y/n)

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Previously On Chapter 15 | Taming The Radio Demon

Pulling away from Alastor a little lifting his head softly glaring at the others, "so he's calm now?" Nodding my head. Angel goes to ruffle my hair resulting in Alastor to bring me closer to him. "Except I think he's going to be protective now" Charlie chuckles watching, as Alastor hugs me while I rub his arm to keep him calm.




Onto Chapter 16 | Please Be Okay (Y/n)

3rd Person POV

After everything that had happened, and getting (Y/n) back not only in the hospital but also her bed. The Doctors didn't want her to leave just yet since she was shot. Alastor never left her side, until visiting hours were that is when Alastor would refuse to leave you. Charlie and Angel would have to calm him down somewhat by telling him he would see you the next day. Of course that works. The next day Alastor would come and visit you, as you two talked, asking how you feel and that you're getting better.

When it was time for Alastor to leave during the night you got an infection from one of the bullets that never went through, the doctors and nurses started giving you antibiotics during the night, when Charlie, Vaggie Angel and Alastor came, shockingly even Husk. They were shocked to see you not in your room. Charlie seeing one of your nurses walks over to her asking "excuse me, but do you know where (Y/n) is?" the nurse looks at her,

"I'm sorry but she's in surgery" Vaggie watches the whole conversation watching Charlie's head lower than look back at the nurse. While the two talk, Angel is leaning against the wall, Husk sitting in a chair in your room, Alastor watches the conversation as well fists clenching trying to keep himself calm. Nodding her head. Charlie walks back over to the group rubbing her hands together, "so what did the nurse say?" Angel asks. Charlie looks at him rubbing her arm.

While her eyes go to Alastor. Who is watching Charlie's every movement, "Charlie, what did the nurse say about my dear?" "i think it's best we go outside, behind the hospital..." With that Vaggie understood immediately as well as Angel, all five of them walked out of the hospital to around back, Charlie then began to tell Alastor what the nurse told her.

How you had gotten an infection from the bullet, and had to go into surgery to get the bullet taken out because the infection was getting worse, Lowering his head he began shaking. "Alastor she's in good hands they are taking care of her-" with that he lunged at her Husk and Angel grabbing him holding him back so he won't take his anger out on Charlie, Vaggie had her spear ready in case.

"Calm down Alastor! She's going to be okay! She's a tough kid! She'll pull through!" Husk yelled at him. Alastor kept thrashing around trying to get out of their hold, "LET GO OF ME!!" Charlie walks up to him as he keeps thrashing to get free, he watches her breathing heavy "Alastor, (Y/n) is strong. She'll make it through the surgery,"

Alastor glared at her, teeth showing as he snarls  "YOU DON'T KNOW THAT!" He takes a step forward to Charlie dragging Angel and Husk with him, but they both pull him back, pinning him against the wall of the hospital.

"Al! Calm the fuck down! She will make it!" Alastor once again tries to get free, the static emitting around him getting a bit louder every second, he closes his eyes "LIES!!!" "I'm not lying Al! She made it through the beating that Vox gave her" Charlie looks at Vaggie, "go see if she's out of surgery" Nodding her head.

Vaggie runs to the front of the hospital. Going to see if (Y/n) is out of surgery, bumping into the nurse and a doctor. "Excuse me, Is (Y/n) (L/n) out of surgery?" The doctor looks at her, "she is, are you a friend of hers?" Vaggie nods her head.

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