Chapter 12 | The Search For (Y/n)

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Previously On Chapter 11 | The TV Demon

Angel tried to not shed any as all four of his fists clenched. Husk, Nifty looked at Alastor who was shaking as he gently grabbed her jacket as his eyes were radio dials.

With one thought going through his head.

"I will find out who did this to you, then kill them as I broadcast their pain and torture, I promise you. I will find who did this to you, my love."


(Chapter 12 | The Search For (Y/n)

3rd Person POV

(Y/n) groans from waking up rubbing her head, sitting up from the bed she was laying on. Her cheek covered in a nasty bruise from getting punched in the face. Looking around the room she is in. Seeing posters on the walls spotting one that had Angel finally figuring out, where she's at making her sick to her stomach quickly getting up off the bed. The door to the room she's in opens and the person who steps in has her glare at them hard. 

The one who walked in was none other than Vox, The TV Demon. "So you finally awaken. Was wondering when you would wake up,-" "how long have I been out?" (Y/n) Interrupts him mid sentence. Vox walks over grabbing her by the face his claws nearly digging in her cheeks, "Did you know interrupting people is rude, you won't get a warning next time so I'd advise you don't" "I was only asking a question you wannabe TV prick" 

Vox let's go of her face grabbing (Y/n) by the throat and throws her at the wall, walks over to her and grabs her by the throat again and starts to choke her. "I'm an overlord, little girl. I suggest you don't fuck or mess with me, only reason you're here," fighting to try to get Vox's hand off her throat so she can breath tears threatening to fall, "is to get to that Radio shithead of yours" eyes widening at what he said. Vox let's go heading to the door opening it, 

"oh and you've been here for 4 days. You're at the porn studio, I'll have someone bring you food" with that, he leaves. You scoot into one of the corners of the room and begin to silently cry, wanting to be in Alastor's arms.

--- (Back At The Hotel) ---

Alastor has looked almost all over hell to find you, but after the 3rd day he stayed in his room not wanting to come out. Sitting on his bed holding your hoodie He remembers when the package was delivered with your bloody hoodie in it. He can remember the rage he felt, the same rage where the others had to calm him down telling him that they'll help him find you. Alastor can probably imagine how scared you are, wanting to be back with him, and the others.

His left ear turns back Hearing knock on his door. "Who is it?" "It's me smiles, Charlie wanted me to come tell ya, that we're gonna be looking for (Y/n)" standing up gently setting your hoodie on his bed, walking over to the door opening it. Exiting his room while shutting the door. Angel and Alastor begin heading back to the main lobby, Charlie walks over to Alastor. "Are you sure you want to join the search?" He looks at her, "Dear Charlie, if there's anything I'm sure of. It's to find my sweet (Y/n), I want whoever did this to pay" She nods, "I hope she's okay" Walking to the others, with Alastor following behind as the group exits the hotel entering the limo. 

Hours have past as the group searches for you, when they returned to the hotel they saw Husk sitting on the bar stool he stayed behind because of his hangover, "there's another package, it's small though this time" Alastor looked at him, walking over to the drunken grumpy cat "did you see who left it?" "No, I just woke up. I woke up just to them leaving, when I got to the door they were gone" Alastor turns, to see Angel already opening the package and what was inside had the spider shaking.

Angel dropped the package leaving the hotel yelling while cursing, Alastor walked over looking inside. Was Part of one of your ears. This time inside was a note, he picks up the note reading it.

The more she misbehaves the more, pieces of her you'll be receiving. Better find her fast Radio Demon, quiet the fighter she is, but how long will the fight in her last? 

His eyes turn to radio dials. Growling as his antlers start growing a little.

--- (At The Porn Studio) ---

(Y/n)'s POV 

Looking up to the door to my 'room' opening was Vox again, seeing that I barely had touched my food even though I ate a bit of it. "Not eating huh?" "Why would I eat all of it? knowing that it came from your sorry excuse of whore ass" glaring at him, he came over kicking my side making me fall to my side yelling out in pain. "Watch that mouth of yours or I'll cut your tongue out" "go. Fuck. Yourself" yelling out again.

When he grabbed me by my hair forcing my head up, feeling the tingling sensations in my left hand that I felt before while fixing the sign to the hotel it started glowing a light blue. I put my hand on his arm glaring at Vox, "get your hand off of me!!" Yelling that, I watched as his ass got zapped sending him flying away from me a bit. While getting up off the floor watching him as he got up also more pissed off. Eyes widening as I felt something wrap around me looking down,

Seeing TV wires wrapped around me tightening falling to my knees then looking back at Vox who was smiling walking over to me with a knife, "I really wished you hadn't made me do this" shaking in fear, I started yelling out in more pain, feeling him cut the part of my right ear off. Tears falling down my face, my throat getting hoarse wanting it to be over with. Once he was done, he kicked me in the gut then punched me in the right side of my chest. "Let's see what your dear Radio Demon will do once he sees this," showing me the part of my ear he cut off "and also how much fight you have left in you now"

Al...please come save


Next Chapter: Chapter 13 | Alastor Loses Control

Chapter 14 | Vox Vs Alastor


(A/n: "So that is the end of Chapter 12, and boy oh boy, I'm probably gonna have a little more fun writing the next chapter as by you all can see why by the title, but anyway. Chapter 14 title revealed I am not good at fight scenes, so I will try my best")

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