Chapter Fourteen💥Deceitful Submission (Or, Overhaul Makes a Mistake)

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I don't own anything except any original characters (including the Reader's concept) and/or any original plot


Chapter Fourteen - Deceitful Submission (Or, Overhaul Makes a Mistake)


"This is Eri," Overhaul told you

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"This is Eri," Overhaul told you. The little girl, who couldn't be more than seven, was trembling, "She is my charge, and important to our operation. However, she's prone to misbehaving. If you could weasel your way into Shigaraki's good graces, you should be able to control her as well."

"You want me to earn her trust? What have you done that's made her so cautious?" You eyed the bandages lining her arms in distaste.

"Eri's Quirk allows her to return something to its original state, organic matter included. For that reason, she has been made useful."

"Got it," you didn't need more detail about how Overhaul was tormenting her in order to get whatever he needed to help his drug move along until they removed Quirks permanently. He took your blood out of simple curiosity, so if Eri was the reason behind the Quirk erasing bullets then Overhaul was probably willing to tear her apart and put her back together.

"Good. You may speak with her for an hour. Tonight, you will be taken to buy any items you may need. When out of the compound, one of my Eight Bullets will be with you to prevent any... issues. They will also show you where you'll eat and train if you wish. You'll also be summoned to spend time with Eri at least once a day. Any betrayal will lead to death."

"Good to know," you stepped into the room and the poor girl shook even more.

The door shut as Overhaul left. There was some sort of monitoring device in the room. Following the energy signature to it, you discovered a small bug under the nightstand. A listening device. Returning it to its original location, you sighed and turned to face Eri.

"Hello Eri," you greeted in the kindest voice you could muster. She scooched farther into the corner, eyes wide and full of unshed tears, "Oh, honey. It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you. Here," you pulled off your plague mask to reveal your whole face, "My name is (Y/n). I'm not going to touch you if you don't want me too, and I won't raise my voice either. In fact, I'll stay right here on the floor."

Crossing your legs, you settled on the ground a few feet away from the child. She remained silent, just staring at you in fear. Because the bandages pointed toward experimentation easily classified as abuse, you tried to remember the section in your online textbook about it.

"I'm sorry you have to go through this. You don't deserve this," apologize, be sympathetic, "I used to be hurt by the people around me too," form a connection, "I was different, and they didn't like that. So they used to hurt me. It's not fun, and I still get sad about it sometimes."

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