Chapter Four💥Ragtag Team

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I don't own anything except any original characters (including the Reader's concept) and/or any original plot


Chapter Four - Ragtag Team


When Giran said he had some new recruits, you weren't expecting what he brought in

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When Giran said he had some new recruits, you weren't expecting what he brought in. One of them was tall, dark, and mysterious. The other was comparatively smaller, lively, and young. Older than you still, but young. An interesting pair, and not what Tomura was looking for.

He'd been raging over the news ever since the Stain incident. You were frustrated too, but not ready to kill anyone over it. Despite the obvious connection the Hosu attack had to the League of Villains because of the Nomu, it was Stain that was getting all of the media attention because he'd been caught. Not just by the police, but he'd been caught on video as well, thanks to you. His final and only message to the world was being consistently taken down and re-uploaded on the dark web - just what you were hoping for. Though you could do without him getting all the mainstream media attention. You tore up a city block and ran into the heroes!

"Kurogiri, get rid of these two," Tomura ordered on sight. It was the same reaction he had to Stain, "I can already tell they're the same type of trash that I hate."

"Tomura," you hissed in warning.

"A brat and a guy with no manners," Tomura continued.

"Now, now, Tomura Shigaraki. They came all this way, the least we can do is hear them out. Give them a chance," Kurogiri appeased, ever the voice of calm reason. The two of you would likely be dead without him. You may have been second in command, but Kurogiri was the wisdomatic one.

Leaning down to Tomura, you whispered, "Giran is highly respected in the underworld. Insulting who he found would be insulting him. It'd be smart to stay in his good graces."

"How'd you know about him?" Tomura growled back.

"He made my mask and cape. I'm willing to drop my pride in favor of making connections. You should do the same."

"Like 'em or not, your fees have already been paid. Been gettin' a lot more traffic since you sent me that video," Giran mused, giving you a wink that to anyone else would come off as a flirting attempt. You knew Giran didn't go for young ones. It was a show of respect, "I suppose I could introduce the two of 'em before I go. This one looks like an adorable high school girl, right? She's actually the suspect in a series of murders where the victims bled out. So far her name and face have been kept out of the media."

"Toga, here. Himiko Toga! Life is too hard! I just want to make it easier to live in this dumb world. I wanna be Mr. Stainy! I wanna kill Mr. Stainy! C'mon handy-man, please let me join your League of Villains!"

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