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I SPENT THE REST OF THE REST OF THE DAY at the library, distracting myself by reading and Rose left a little while ago. She said she had to go draft a letter for her parents and I watched her walk away with a pout, I was hoping to chat with her.

I was so curious of the future. I don't wanna jinx anything but I at least want to know if I will still live at 40. I am totally okay with dying for fighting in what I believe in but then again- my parents. 

That brings me to another problem. How am I gonna deal with them? More like, how are they gonna handle me going off to war with some dark wizard who got defeated by a baby years ago?

Speaking of that baby, Harry walked in the library and I quickly ducked down. Covering my face with a book which was thankfully not upside down by the time I lifted it to my face. I just know what he's here for and I am not ready.

I know he'll apologize and I'd forgive him right away but I shall stand my ground- or you know, hide long enough to punish him and then reveal myself to make him beg on his knees. I'm kidding. 

I wished in all the stars above that he wouldn't see me but my amazing hiding skills were thrown to the bin when I heard a voice clear their throat. I slowly looked up and found his green eyes staring back at me.

I shut my book way too loudly than I intended and prepared to walk away, retracing my steps from where I grabbed this book and putting it back in place. As I did so, I watched his shadow casting over me, meaning he was following me.

"Lily," He called out. "Can we talk? Please."

I counted to 10 before turning around and hoped I was pulling off the disgusted look Hermione always gives Ron well enough. I crossed my arms and raised a brow at him.

"No." I answered.

"Lily, please be mature." Harry pleaded and I scoffed.

"You're asking me to be mature? Aren't you the one accusing me of defending Malfoy because you're acting like a jealous second year?" I asked him and he instantly realized his mistake but I didn't give him time to respond. "Don't even try me right now,Potter. Give me time to cool off."

With those words, I walked away from him for the second time today. I exited the library and let out a heavy sigh. I did great. I like harry a lot and I was so happy to be his girlfriend but he needs to learn that he can't just snap at me like that and hurt my feelings and be forgiven right away.

Speaking of being his girlfriend, I'm gonna go write a letter to my parents to inform them of the change in my status. Hopefully my Mum won't go out of her way to make a howler aside being a muggle and chew my ears off.


The day of our first ever D.A meeting finally came. I looked around the room to find both familiar and unfamiliar faces, I also scanned the room we are in and found it a bit creepy. I don't know why.

"Glad to see everyone could all find this place all right." Harry greeted us awkwardly, his eyes staying on me while I avoided his gaze and turned to Rose.

"Is it just me or is this setting a bit creepy?" I asked Rose in a whisper and she turned to me with a small smile.

"I think it's fine, the atmosphere is kind of awkward." She whispered back.

"Hey, Harry, what is all this stuff?" Neville asked, looking the room.

"It's a bunch of Defence Against the Dark Arts equipment," Harry answered. Finally taking his eyes off me to address the crowd. "Hopefully we'll be able to get to all of it before the end of the term."

"But you all need to understand something before we start," Harry started. "Defending yourself from the Dark Arts has less to do with magical ability and more to do with thinking fast and a lot of luck." He paused for a second and I finally stepped up since we were both supposed to be teaching this class.

I don't even know how I got elected, the most competent spell I can do ahead of everyone else is the Patronus Charm. Though I've been made aware that from my last school- our lessons were a bit more advanced than Hogwarts with the fast-paced teaching.

"We'll be doing Expelliarmus tonight, though hopefully we can move on to other things if we have time." I told them, making sure I'm six feet away from Harry as we stand in front.

"But Lockhart taught us that second year." One voice spoke up from the crowd.

"Well to be fair, Lockhart didn't teach as much as making himself look pretty." Ron piped from beside Harry and chuckled. 

I clapped my hand and smiled. "So, we'll split into pairs and give it a go."

Everyone else was doing great, none of them has successfully done it yet but the progress is fast and evident on everyone's sparking wands. I am now next to Rose, teaching her the proper flick of the wrist as she complain about straining it from writing a 5-page essay on Potions.

"Merlin, if Snape hates you Gryffindors, imagine how he treat us Hufflepuffs." Rose groaned, twisting her wrist slowly, and I shrugged.

"He doesn't seem to hate me." I replied. Remembering the weird fondness Snape seems to have over me. I mean, he doesn't worship me during classes but unlike every other Gryffindor he actually praises me when I receive high marks on essays and brew a potion well.

Rose tensed, her eyes flashing as if she was recalling a distant and painful memory before regaining her senses and smiling at me. "Yeah, he doesn't hate you." She mumbled and returned to trying out the spell.

I heard Hermione cheer from the other side of the room and figured she got the spell right away, of course she would get it right this quick. I turn to Rose and raises my brow at her, she then tried the spell again and it made my wand fly across the room.

I clapped, cheering for her while she looked down at her own wand in awe. "I did that." She exclaimed and I giggled.

"Yes you did."


HarLy ship seems to be approaching an iceberg oops

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