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LIGHTNING STREAKS ACROSS the dark sky and it strikes one of the golden rings in the pitch. I look down at the stands, spying the sea of umbrellas that are either transfigured or magically conjured. I struggle to spy Hermione and Ron in the flood of students but meeting with them before the match was enough.

As soon as the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff teams shoot in the air, I was still distracted from worry because of the weather. Shouldn't the bloody game be postponed? Quidditch is already a dangerous game as it is but now they are making us play with such horrible weather?

I would've enjoyed a storm, be it happening in another time but I'm riding a broom for Christ's sake. I tried to shoo the worries off with a violent shake of my head and focused on the loud cheers. Scarlet and Canary-yellow rivaling in the stands.

This is my first game in Hogwarts. I've only been playing for a year, I started in second-year but I was always sitting through the games but now I'm actually here. I am playing on a pitch and it just so happen to be my luck that the weather sucks.

The twin bludgers hit the sky and that signals the start of the match. I mount my broom and fire skyward, my robes snapping violently behind me due to the harsh wind. I looked around to find a thick veil of mist that had me almost getting hit by a bludger had I not spun on my broom as a reflex.

Through the fabric of my robes I felt the cold and started to shiver slightly. I've never been fond of the cold, I always liked things bright and warm. I found myself flying fearlessly, stealing a Quaffle from the opposing chaser mid-way as it was getting passed and ducks to fly faster. I clutched the Quaffle on my side, one arm gripping the spine of my broom.

I managed to reach the ring and threw the Quaffle to score, the Keeper failing to block my throw and I would've celebrated if an umbrella hadn't almost hit me square in the face. What in the bloody hell is wrong with this match? Is Dumbledore seeing this? Is- is anyone concerned?

Aside my worried I went on with the game and I'm proud to say I have scored two goals for Gryffindor after almost getting killed by an umbrella. Just how noble would my death be if I perished because of a bloody umbrella I tried to spy my team mates in the bank of fog and only found Harry, I began to fly toward him when I realized I am drenched. My hair is still on a neat braid but wet nonetheless, I can't believe I had a shower for my first actual Quidditch match. Dad would've been proud tho.

He spied me and dived down, I followed on instinct and huddled at the edge of the field. Somehow we are temporarily safe from the rain and our lovely Captain joined us. Harry took off his glasses and wiped them with his also wet robes.

"How are we looking?" I asked wiping my forehead because the droplets of rain making it's way down is kinda blocking my vision.

"We're fifty points ahead," Wood answered. "But we really need the snitch so we can get this over with."

I agreed. I do not wanna stay in this pitch getting watered by the salty rain. I've had enough of the harsh wind slapping me in the face.

"These keep getting in the way," Harry complained exasperatedly, holding up his glasses and I snatch them away from him. It's a good thing I was too stubborn to leave my wand. I reached for it in my robes and cast a spell to keep them from getting wet with a small smile.

"Now that I got that covered," I muttered as I handed him back his glasses. "You can finally go and get that damned snitch."

He put his glasses back on and smiled gratefully at me, I waved his thanks away and turned to our Captain.

"Let's end this!" He cheered and shoots for the sky again, I followed giggling to myself and silently praised my stubbornness because Harry seems to be flying better now. I dodged a Bludger and was about to go after the Quaffle when an eerie silence fell over the crowd.

I glanced around to find everyone was still, the players just floated hovering in midair. I mirrored everyone else and just froze when an unpleasant feeling hit me. I felt movement from below and very slowly looked down.

So many Dementors! Their heads seems to be turned upwards to us and I could tell everyone is feeling the same way as I'm feeling right now. Like happiness is being sucked out of me rather forcefully. All my hopes and dreams turning to ash.

I felt my eyes sting and a single tear began to roll down my cheek, but a mighty roar of thunder in the dark clouds had me out of my trance. I searched for the Dementors and saw them float towards Harry. Aside the sinking feeling and coldness I gripped my broom and flew over to Harry, looking down at the Dementors with determination.

I grabbed my wand and pointed it at them, I have never attempted to cast a Patronous. It's far too advanced but I did my reading and hopefully that's enough. No matter how dead I felt as of the moment, I focused on my parents. Their warmth and shining faces. I focused on my mother's stern voice and my father's terrible jokes.

I closed my eyes shut and projected their faces smiling at me before parting my lips. I saw something in their eyes, the love they had for me was enough to banish the heavy feeling in my heart and with a loud yell I casted:

"Expecto Patronum!"

I watched in awe as silvery wisps of light shoots out of my wand and dances in the air to form a - a doe? It was gracefully leaping and it's appearance had the Dementors going away. When I was sure they would be no longer a problem I put my wand down and the doe disappeared into thin air but I still can't wrap my head around the idea of me casting a successful Patronus.

I did it! I did half a spin to face Harry but my smile dropped when Harry began to fall of his broom and my mind raced. What do I do? The answer? Nothing. Dumbledore rose from the stands and pointed his wand towards Harry. He slowed down and I dived following him to drop on the ground and the rest of the team landed seconds after me.

Dumbledore conjured a stretcher and laid Harry there, I followed them back to castle still soaked in rain water and my broom discarded in the field.

Harry woke up after a couple of hours in the Hospital Wing, I watched them explain everything that happened to him silently. I took note of the sadness flickering in Harry's eyes at the mention of our defeat and the state of his broom. I figured he needed some alone time or maybe support from his friends, that he had known for more than a year or two so I stood up from my seat in the corner and began to walk out when Harry called my name.

"Lily," He called out and I stopped on my track. Harry haven't really been calling me by my name and I can understand why. His mother suffered a horrible death at the hands of the Darkest Wizard of all and I happen to share her name. . .and eyes, I guess. I've heard people tell him she have his mother's eyes.

I slowly turned around to face him and walked over to stand beside him.

"Yes?" I asked quietly.

"I saw what you did," He spoke in a hoarse voice. "It was a- "

"A doe." I finished for him with a small smile. It didn't really mean anything to the both of us but given the fact I'm only a third-year and I cast it successfully on first try? It shocked him more than me.

"Thank you." He smiled up at me and I found myself mirroring it. His smile is rather infectious.

"You're welcome, HP."

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