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I RAISE A BROW at their dropped jaws and sink further into my seat. Is there something wrong with being named after a flower?

I'm just glad I'm not named after trees or rocks. I try to find the right words to break the u comfortable silence, but I came up with a lame: "So how was your summer?"

They still seem stunned and I mentally slap myself for such a stupid question because I was met with silence. I failed to hide my grimace. It's like conversing with a wall.

I cleared my throat. Hermione was the first one to snap out of her daze and smiled apologetically. "It was great, how was yours?" I still felt weird with the other two boys.

"It was different, moving and going to a new school," I explained and she nodded along my words. "So what was that?"

I asked pertaining to their moment of shock and she contemplated her answer for a few seconds, "You have the same name as Harry's mom." she pointed out and I laugh loudly at that, throwing my head back.

"My real name's Emerald Lilith Evans," I turned to Harry and he met my eyes, for one quick second they widened. "But you can only call me Lily."


Things gladly went back to normal. I didn't join them in the welcoming feast because I stood in the side waiting for my cue. After Dumbledore's speech I found out that the homeless man is actually a Professor and now I feel bad for calling him homeless.

I stood in a chair inside the Headmaster's office with a stoic-looking woman holding a hat. I read about Hogwarts : A History and I am familiar with the ugly hat.

"Now all that's left is for you to be sorted," the woman spoke and I smiled up at her. I still remember the way her eyes widened and lips parted at the sight of me. Her eyes held the very recognition Professor Lupin had in his.

Evans is not such a unique surname and Lily is only a nickname. I am not Harry Potter's mother back from the dead but younger. I doubt I even look like her. Sure I have green eyes but my hair is red, unlike Harry's.

The hat is placed on my head and it didn't even take a second to announce that I was a lion. I always thought I was more of a Ravenclaw but Gryffindor is not so bad when I've already made friends from that house.

I let my head of house usher me to the common room, telling me the password and for a second I thought of how unusual the dorming system at Hogwarts is. The fat lady stared at me with confusion, I ignored her because I was so looking forward to going to bed.

I bid my goodnight with the Professor and walked inside to have the portrait swing shut behind me.

The common room was gladly empty, but I was met with very much alive and cheerful girls when I entered the dorm. I spied Hermione in the bunch and she gave me a smile which I returned.

It took an hour of getting to know my roommates and them getting to know me before I finally shut my eyes. Hogwarts have been great so far. I'll remember to write to my parents tomorrow.


The next morning I woke up earlier than the rest of my roommate and I took the opportunity to write a letter, making sure I leave out the unnecessary information that I share a name with HP's mom.

My parents know of Harry Potter from how much I fangirl about him and they would be delighted to know I made friends. I find myself relating to Hermione alot, though.

When they have all woken up I was in the bathroom, so we all got ready and headed down for breakfast. Hermione linked her arms with mine and I smiled at the gesture.

"So every school got that one teacher everyone hates," I started and she giggle at my words of truth. "Who is it in Hogwarts?"

She didn't even need to think when we sat down at the long table and answered, "Snape." I helped myself with eggs and toasts. "He teaches potion."

My face dropped at this. The teachers everyone hates are usually the ones who loathe me. My smart mouth and knack for getting into trouble when I was just always at the wrong place at the right time.

"I love Potions," I mumbled bitterly and already cursed my faith. Surely the other lessons would be fun, just to make up for potions already being the worst subject.

"Oh and there's Harry and Ron," she pointed out and I look up to smile at the approaching boys. They sat across us and began to serve themselves breakfast.

"Bad hair day Gin?" I felt the weight of someone's arm on my head and I facepalm. Who the bloody hell is Gin? I can see Ron from across widen his eyes and shake his head.

I slowly looked up at the arm left my head. "Did you just insult my hair?" I asked hesitantly, I've been told I should try brushing my hair but it's not my bloody fault it has a mind o it's own and likes being a mess of red curls.

They are somehow tamed today because Lavender used a spell to help me, she knows alot about spells involving appearance and I thank her for that. I spied his red hair and already guessed him to be Ron's brother. He sat down beside me with shock evident in his face.

"No -" I contort my face into a confused one when a photocopy of the boy infront of me sat down beside him, am I tripping?

"We thought you were our sister," the other one apologized and I just nodded. "My name is Fred by the way." He smiled playfully and I could already tell what it meant.

I'm gonna have to look out for these two, they reek of trouble. "And I'm George, the hotter one." I grin at them.

"Lily Evans." and there goes the confusion again clouding their eyes, I let Hermione's beside me explain as I spy a girl with red hair settle next to Ron while frowning at me.

This is gonna be a long breakfast. It seems Hogwarts have another red hair to join the Weasley family and I've met them all (well, the ones at Hogwarts). Lovely people. I instantly clicked with Ginny and she was a bit reluctant to part with me to attend classes, too bad she's a year below me.

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