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WHEN HERMIONE WALKED out of Divination, I followed her with worry. I found her crying in frustration in Myrtle's bathroom. I softly coughed to let her know of my presence and she looked up with a sniffle.

I slowly approached her and reached to pat her lower back in a comforting way. She flashed me a small smile to know she appreciates the gesture and broke down again, I opened my arms and she dived in. Letting me wrap my arms around her and felt her figure shake.

"I have a time-turner, you know," Hermione confessed and pulled away to see my reaction. I only nodded along her words, not really willing to give a reaction in case she feels worse. "I wanna stay on top of my classes so badly."

I chewed on my cheeks from the inside in guilt, I saw the signs and yet I failed to do something about it. Well, I'm doing something now. "I understand," I too, am an overachiever and I often take pride in that but most of the times I disappoint myself more than anyone because of this."We can't always be good at everything."

Something I've noticed abut Hermione is that she sometimes refuses to believe anything if it's not in the books, she relies on those too much and I think it's not right. There is so much more knowledge out there, more than there is on books but her mind is closed off to other possibilities.

That might be her biggest flaw.

"But I wanted to be," She mumbled bitterly and consciously scratched her elbow. "Thank you." She said with so much sincerity, I gave her a lopsided grin before assuring her that is was alright. We are friends now and whatever that means, I'll be here.

"No problem, I do know what it feels like." I mumbled quietly and grabbed her hand. "How about we only miss one class today, yeah?" She nodded, finally smiling like she always do and I lead her out of the bathroom, waving goodbye to Myrtle who just arrived.

"I too, missed class to cry in this cubicle." I heard her mutter when we exited the lavatory.

="I can't believe they're going to kill Buckbeak! It's too horrible," Hermione cries.She seems to be over the events of Divination, even the boys didn't even mention it and while I appreciate their silence about the sensitive topic, they lack to show concern about it.

 "It just got worse," Harry chimed.I frown at him and looked straight ahead to discover the source of his twisted expression. 

Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle lurk within a grouping of monolithic menhirs. Binoculars in hand, they seemed to be spying on Hagrid which I found utterly pathetic. How lifeless would one's life be if they find entertainment in the misery of others.

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