Chapter 1: Amnesia

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AN: imagine the girl pictured has red hair and grey eyes

Ellie was laying down in a hospital bed in the leaf village. Her vision was hazy and she had no idea where she was. She noticed she was hooked up to an iv and she was in a hospital gown. "How did I get here?" Ellie wondered. 

"Finally! You're awake!" a voice said. Ellie, a girl with red hair and grey eyes, sat up suddenly. She was looking around the room and noticed a nurse with long brown hair and brown eyes, looked to be about 30. Ellie looked around the room suddenly afraid. "It's okay! I'm your nurse Haruna! You were found you at the village gate. You're a little injured right now, so please don't move too much" Haruna said sweetly. "Where am I?" Ellie asked. "The leaf village hospital silly!" Haruna said cutely. "How in the hell did I end up here?" Ellie thought. "We're not sure, but it's safe to assume you were in a battle and got hurt. Like someone was chasing you. You were passed out at the gate unresponsive," Haruna explained. 

"Wh-who got me here?" Ellie asked. "One of our academy teachers, his name is Iruka Umino. He was the one who carried you here," Haruna said. "Ah, I'd like to thank him..." Ellie said shyly. She was embarrassed some random man had to carry her here. "He's in the waiting room. I'll go get him for you. He's a real cutie you know," Haruna said teasingly. "Oh my... Okay..." Ellie said shyly. "Great... a good looking guy is going to see me look like shit..." Ellie thought, mentally slapping herself. Haruna left the room and made a face with her tongue out to tease Ellie. 

Ellie saw a man who looked to be in his twenties with tanned skin, a scar on his nose, brown hair in a ponytail, and a chunin uniform on. "He is cute..." Ellie thought, blushing slightly. He smiled at her and sat in the chair next to the bed. "Hello, Miss. I'm so glad you're okay," Iruka said kindly. Ellie laughed nervously and bowed her head a little. "My name's Iruka, Iruka Umino. May I know your name?" he asked kindly. "It's Ellie; Ellie Watanabe," Ellie said shyly. "I'm sorry we met you under such poor circumstances... How're you feeling?" Iruka asked. "I feel a bit beat up but okay... I don't remember anything," Ellie said sadly. "I'm not sure what was happening but you were being chased by someone. I found you in front of the village gates. You were out of breath and wobbly, and then you passed out," Iruka explained. 

"Ah... Thank you for taking me here," Ellie said shyly. "No problem at all. By the way, you dropped this," Iruka said, handing Ellie her headband. It was the lightning village headband. "Th-thank you," Ellie said shyly. "I have to go check on one of my students, but I'll come to check on you tomorrow. Get some rest okay?" Iruka said kindly. Ellie smiled a little and nodded. "I hope to see you around Ellie," Iruka said, then getting up from the chair. "Likewise," Ellie said shyly. Iruka smiled and exited the room. 

"Man, he's cute..." Ellie thought. Haruna came back into the room with food on a cart. "I'm going to leave this for you and then you rest okay?" Haruna said. Ellie nodded in response. Ellie ate and talked to Haruna for a bit, then she decided to call it a night. "Sweet dreams, of Iruka!" Haruna teased, before shutting the door. Ellie was too tired to be mad at Haruna for teasing her, so she just went to sleep. 

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