League of Assassins Part 1

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Since no one is going to be at the Queen's mansion except Oliver, we thought it would be the best place for Sara to spend the night. We couldn't really have her at my house since Laurel usually pops up whenever. And with Tommy planning his proposal...I rather much avoid that.

"He's really going to do it?" Oliver asked me. I was leaning against Oliver on the couch watching a movie and told him about Tommy's big idea.

"Yup," I responded. "I told him he's being an idiot."

"I would have to agree but this is Tommy. You should know once Tommy has his mind set on something, nothing is going to change his mind. And if he believes proposing to Laurel is the right thing to do then all we can do is be there and support him."

I scrunched up my nose. "It's just weird if you think about it."

"Tommy loves Laurel. It's not weird."

"I know. I just mean..." I moved my head so I could look at him. "Think about how all our relationships started. You've dated Laurel. Then you cheated on her with Sara during the relationship."

"Something I'm not really proud of," he admitted.

"After that, we found out that Tommy has a relationship with Laurel. And..." I held our intertwined hands together, "...now you're with me."

"If you're worried about me cheating on you, you know I wouldn't do that. Not to you."

"I believe you now because we've changed. But," I moved so I could get more comfortable on the couch, "let's say we didn't go on the Gambit. We didn't sink on the yacht and end up on the island. Do you believe things would have been different?"

"I don't know," he answered.

"Let's say you ended things with Sara before Laurel ever found out. You guys would have gotten married and have kids while Tommy dates some stupid model that's dumber than a sack of potatoes while I'm stuck running my dad's company with some loser who's cheating on me on the side and-"

Oliver shut me up by grabbing the back of my head and kissed me. My hands slowly trailed up his chest before I grabbed a fistful of his shirt. Oliver's hands traveled to my waist and pulled me so I could straddle his lap. Soon he wrapped his arms around me as we pulled away.

"I don't know what would have happened if we haven't gone on the Gambit," he breathed. "But what I do know is that I would have realized my feelings for you just like I did when I was given Red Death."

"The day you saved me from Kovar," I reminisce.

Oliver nodded. "I might not have the best track record with relationships but this is one I don't want to mess up. And if we haven't become the people we are today, I would still have figured out that I love you."

I smiled at him. "That's very uncharacteristic of you to say."

He chuckled. "Well, the only person who understands what I've been through is right here with me. And I'm not leaving her." I let out a squeal when he threw my body across the couch so he could hover over me. "And you're not leaving here anytime soon."

Oliver leaned down and crashed our lips together. I smiled into the kiss as I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him closer. Oliver's hands went towards my hips. A small shiver crawled up my spine as he started to trail his hands up. The hem of my shirt rose a bit so his warm hands were rubbing against my skin, which got my skin to get goosebumps. Oliver began kissing the side of my neck, his stubble tickling me a bit, as he continued to bring my shirt up.

"Should we do this with Sara here?" I breathed out as I bit back a moan.

"We just have to be very quiet," Oliver said between the kiss.

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