Identity Part 1

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Everything feels different. A good different. Like I could actually make it through the day and not kick someone's ass if they gave me another death threat. I guess I had Oliver to thank. After everything that happened the other day, he started taking me out more. He took me to the ice cream parlor we use to go to when we were kids. The other night he had this huge dinner ready at my house. I was really happy and thankful. I mean, really thankful...if you know what I mean.

I was up for a while. My head on his chest while my arm was wrapped around him. Oliver laid next to me running his hand up and down my shoulder. We were up for a while now but we didn't want to get up.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked.

I smiled as I tilted my head up to look at him. "Just how...things are really good at the moment."

"Well, I should hope so. Otherwise, last night would have been really confusing." He gave me a cocky grin. "Thanks for the scratches, by the way."

"No problem. It's a little thanks for the love bites you left." And at that, we started to laugh. I glanced at the clock. 8:45 am. "Shit. I'm gonna be late."

Oliver gave me a confused look while I jumped out of bed and grabbed my clothes from the floor. "I thought you didn't work today."

"I don't but I promised Tommy I would meet up with him." I turned around and gave Oliver a pointed look. "I love you, Oliver, but Tommy comes first."

Oliver sighed as he laid back down. "I forgot about that. Tommy before everything else."

I nodded. "Yeah, especially since he...." I stopped midway and froze. Flashes of that night coming back to me. The building shaking violently. The huge earthquake that almost took my brother's life. If I lost Tommy then I might have actually lost it.

Oliver got out of bed and walked over. "Hey, hey," he started he grabbed my arms and rubbed them in comfort. "Tommy is alive because of you. You pushed him out of the way. He's safe here with us."

"Is he really though? The Undertaking is over, yet people are still blaming us for something our parents did. Mostly to me and Tommy. People are pissed, Oliver."

"I know they are. They're only putting the blame on us because your dad is gone. And without Malcolm Merlyn, we're going to be targeted."

"That's why I wanted Tommy with me until this thing blows over."

Oliver nodded. "Ok, I'll let you go then."

I smiled up at him before I tried to give him a quick peck. Keyword: tried. Oliver held me close again when I pulled away and attacked my lips. I sighed happily as I felt my legs go weak. One hand went behind his neck while the other hand gripped his bicep. I could feel Oliver smile into the kiss while something poked me. Oh, god. I know what he's trying to do and I hate that I'm falling for it.

I pulled away before pushing Oliver back on the bed. I crawled over until I was straddling his waist. I pulled my shirt off before tossing it aside.

"Ok, ten more minutes," I said before leaning down and kissing him again.

Lian Yu

I have never seen Oliver quiet. I haven't seen him his quiet ever. Or this shocked. He looked down at his bloodied hands as he looks over at the dead body below him. The head of the man was bashed in. Blood was still pooling from the guy's head.

Shado, Slade, and I were looking at him. Oliver actually killed a guy because he hurt Shado. Just a typical slap to the face. We had a plan and he blew it. But the look in his eyes. It made it seem like he actually enjoyed it...for the moment. Then when Oliver looked up at us, he looked like he didn't know who he was. Not anymore. That billionaire playboy is long gone.

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