League of Assassins Part 2

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"Let's talk. Shall we?"

I pushed Tommy further behind me as I glared at Al Ow-al. "Talk about what? How you decided to break into my house?"

Al Ow-al motioned to my dagger. "Put the knife away. We're not here to fight."

I slowly lowered my dagger. "You might not here to fight." Soon I threw my dagger at one of the assassins while Tommy pulled one of his miniature shurikens out from his sleeve and threw it at the other one. They both dropped dead as the sharp blades pierced them in the chest. "That doesn't mean we can't fend off intruders."

To my surprise, this brought a huge grin off Al Ow-als' face. "Like father, like kids," he practically praised.

"Don't you dare compare us with that monster," Tommy sneered.

Al Ow-al looked at his dead comrades before raising his brow at us. "Really? Your father would have done the same thing." He started looking around the living room. He picked up a picture of Tommy and me when we were kids. "Your father doesn't talk much about you."

"Sounds about right."

Al Ow-al set the photo down before looking at Tommy. "Not about you." His gaze was directed towards me now. "But he did talk about his pride and joy. The next Merlyn to take over Merlyn Global when he retires."

"Yeah, that really wasn't much of a dream," I admitted. Hiding the fact that my dad talked about me. "More like something he was trying to force on me."

"Nevertheless." Al Ow-al held up a familiar black mask that Dad and the other League of Assassins wore. "Know what this is?"

"A uniform? Sorry, already got one."

"How about an upgrade then?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "What are you talking about?"

"Malcolm Merlyn was one of the best out there. He was a big pain in the ass, but he was very skilled. And because of his little Undertaking, he broke our code."

"What code?" Tommy asked.

"The League of Assassins have some sort of honor code, anyone who violates that code is supposed to be hunted down and killed," I explained to Tommy without taking my eyes off Al Ow-al, who looked a bit amused about my knowledge. "Did you really think I wouldn't do some research?"

"Which is why you, Ashley Merlyn, would make an excellent assassin. You've got the skills we're looking for. Become like your father and join us."

I let out a sarcastic chuckle. "Do you really think I'd be in the same League that my psychotic father was in? The same league that's trying to kill my friend? Like I would stoop so low in to joining some murderous blood-thirsty group, who kills for sport. I'm not like my dad. I hope I don't become like him."

"To be honest, I'd rather much kill you and your brother right now. But Ra's gave me specific orders to bring you back. And the boss isn't one who likes to take no for an answer."

"Then he's going to be really disappointed when he sees you coming back empty-handed." I glared at him. "Unless we return you in a body bag."

I charged at Al Ow-al after. Yanking my dagger out of the body, I swung at him. He leaned back before he tried to punch my cheek. Raising my arm to block his punch, I brought my leg up to try and kick him. I felt a hand grab my ankle with Al Ow-al smirking.

"I was told to bring you back alive. I'm sure Ra's Al Ghul wouldn't mind if you miss a few body parts."

"Over my dead body," Tommy grunted as he threw one of his electric Xs at Al Ow-al. The man lets go of my ankle and moves back just as the X lodges itself on the lamp. Electricity crackled before the lamp exploded.

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