Identity Part 2

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At times like this, I'm glad I had Oliver to help me on missions. You don't know how many times I returned to the bunker all beaten and bruised. Ok, it was close to never but with him here the missions might end quicker.

We made it in time was the motorcycle gang started to shoot up the trucks. The last guy dropped the box and started running towards the truck, but the motorcycle game held their guns up at him. Oliver and I got off our motorcycles and ran towards them.

"No, please. Don't..." the guy begged while Oliver got his bow ready.

"Down!" he shouted.

The guy dropped down immediately. Oliver released his arrows and they struck the motorcyclist's shoulders. They both dropped down. While I pulled the guy up.

"Make your delivery," I told the guy before pushing him towards the truck. The man got up and started running towards the truck. He was about to get in when a knife was thrown across the lot and pierced the guy's neck.

"The Emerald Archer and Archer's Apparition," a voice said as I knicked my arrow. I pulled the arrow back as China White came out with another knife twirled in her fingers. "I feared you had perished in the quake denying me the opportunity to pay you back in full for your past -"

I didn't wait for her to finish. I released my arrow. China leaned to the side as the arrow flew past her. "You talk too much," I said.

Suddenly, this man dropped down. Be dropped between the two trucks and had this Wolverine-like brass knuckles. Oliver set his arrow before letting it go. The man used the claws to knock the arrow out of the way. I grabbed my arrows and knicked a few before releasing them. The man growled at us while he blocked each arrow out of the way.

"My friend doesn't like what you did with my business," China continued. She had a smug look on her face that I just want to wipe off. "Our new partnership was easily cemented. I was eager to see you both dead and he was eager to kill you."

Oliver released another arrow at the man while I threw an arrowhead at him. He can't be able to block both of us. Ok, I was wrong when the guy used both of his claws to knock the arrows out of the way.

"No kill shots?" the man teased us. I gripped my bow as China got into the truck. "I was promised a fight. I hope you haven't lost your nerve." This guy wants a kill shot, fine. It's his literal death wish. I knocked an arrow before I released it. It was near his heart but he blocked it, a satisfied smirk on his face. "Or maybe one of you has."

I glared at the man before I started running towards him. He chuckled before he ran at me. He jumped up and tried to use his claw to swipe at me. I slid from under him and used my bow to smack his back before I spun up and kicked him.

"Get her!" I yelled at Oliver. Oliver looked conflicted. He looked between and the man fighting each other. "Go!"

The man kept swiping at me left and right. I used my bow to block all of his moves before I tried to punch him back. I clicked on the small button on the insole of my shoe the small knife popped out of it. I brought my leg up and swiped the guy across the cheek. He was fast enough to jump back but it still created a small cut across his cheek. The knife went back before I tried to punch the man. He grabbed my arm and twisted it around before putting the claws near my neck. He was about to slash it until an arrow flew by and the guy pushed me out of the way before blocking the arrow. I looked up to see the truck leaving but Oliver with his bow up. He started to run towards us. He jumped up and started to attack the man.

What the hell is he doing? China's getting away. I groaned and got up. She's going to fast, I wouldn't be able to catch up to her. I heard the siren wail not that far. Ok, maybe if I shoot the tires the truck will stop. I got my arrow and kept firing at the tires. China made a sharp turn so my arrow barely missed it. I was about to fire again but I heard Oliver grunting in the background. I turned around and saw the man had him pinned to one of the crates. I pulled my dagger out and ran towards them. My blade was about to pierce this neck until...

Let Me Be Your Wings》Arrow (Discontinued)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें