City of Heroes Part 1

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My name is Ashley Merlyn. After five years on a hellish island Oliver Queen and I have returned home with only one save our city. But to do so, I still have to be a killer because Oliver refuses to do so. We must become someone else. We must become something else.


No goodbye. No message. Oliver left me in Starling City after the Undertaking. I know where he's heading. The one place where we became killers, back at Lian Yu. I haven't seen him in weeks. Diggle and Felicity were able to track him down and asked if Tommy and I wanted to go. I told them no because I didn't want to see him. Then I got scolded by Felicity for not telling them weeks ahead where Oliver was. If Oliver wanted to go back to the island, then fine by me.

As for Tommy, I've been making sure he doesn't leave my site. I almost lost him because of my fucking dad. So Tommy's practically on lockdown until this city is safe again. Because of our last name, we're enemy number one. The city almost sued us because of the Undertaking but with a few calls, the charges were dropped. That didn't stop the people from writing 'Murders' on our cars or break the company building. Sure, the only time I would leave Tommy alone is to run Merlyn Global. I'll make sure he has trusted bodyguards with him at all times. And if I'm not the Mask then we would head down to the Glades and help the people who lost their home. Their family. The people who lost everything because of my dad. We were supposed to head back tonight, but I had business to take care of.

I leaped through each crate until I swung to the beams. Since Felicity and Diggle weren't here, I had to do this most nights. A few gunmen were talking. Robb Stickman. Next guy on my list. Yeah, my list. I've been tracking down everyone who has helped my dad with the Undertaking. The only person not on that list is Moira. She didn't have a choice in the matter. She was protecting her family. Robb...he helped formulate the blueprints that created the machine to level the Glades. I looked back at my father's phone calls the past year and Jonah was mostly contacted.

I grabbed my bow before notching an arrow. Two of the gunman were loading a few bags into the truck. I let the arrow fly and it stabbed one of them in the back. He grunted before falling on the ground. The others in the warehouse held their guns up and started looking around.

"It's the Mask. She's here!" Stickman yelled.

I got another arrow ready before I released it. It flew past Stickman and lodged itself in his bodyguard. Gunshots were fired as I dropped down, new suit thanks to Felicity. One pointed his gun at me, but I pulled my dagger out and threw it across the room. My dagger lodged itself in the guys neck before he fell down. More gunman started to fire. I got up and started running. I notched another arrow before releasing it. It landed in the guy's shoulder as he dropped. One tried to punch me with his weapon, but I ducked under it before I spun around and kicked his back. He tried to hit me again, but I grabbed his arm and pulled his body towards me. His body shielded me as his friend started to fire. Three bullets right to the chest before I kicked the guy towards him.

Their bodies crashed. I tossed one of my arrowheads at the gunman's head before I nicked another one and send it towards the next one. I ran and grabbed my dagger while the last two gunmen fired at me. When I retrieved my dagger I slid across the ground. I pulled another dagger from my sleeve and motioned my arms in an X form. When I was near the gunmen I sliced their calves. Grunts and groans filled the room as I turned and threw my daggers in their chest.

I heard someone running. I grabbed my bow and set another arrow before launching it towards one of the beams. I grabbed the zip line and flew across the room until I was a few feet away from Stickman.

I notched another arrow. "Robb Stickman," I sneered. "You have failed this city."

Then I released the arrow.

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