Keep Your Enemies Closer Part 2

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Oh, my god, I can't stop myself from jumping on the balls of my feet as Oliver, Diggle, and I walked inside the club. My eyes scanned the area until I spotted my favorite Russian, who noticed me as well.

"Anatoly!" I beamed as I removed myself from Ollie to hug the man.

"Ashley Merlyn! My favorite American," Anatoly greeted. He pulled away from the hug and kissed my cheeks, and I could see Tommy getting very uncomfortable. He smiled when he saw Oliver and repeated the same action. "Oliver Queen, ha! My second favorite American."

"It has been too long," Ollie grinned, agreeing with Anatoly's Russian statement. He looked at Diggle and Tommy. "John Diggle, Tommy Merlyn, this is Anatoly Knyazec."

"Thank you for meeting us," Diggle greeted.

"Yeah, and it's nice to see someone so close to my sister," Tommy said as he grabbed my arm and gently pulled me back. I mentally rolled my eyes at his protectiveness. I appreciate it, but it's a bit annoying right now. I trust Anatoly to not hurt me...that bad. Even Oliver chuckled as he held my hand.

"If Oliver and Ashley vouch for you, you're my third and fourth favorite American," Anatoly chuckled. He noticed my hand entwined with Oliver's and his grin grew wider. "My two favorite Amerians together at last! This calls for celebration."


Anatoly escorted us to his office. He grabbed five shot glasses before pouring whiskey in them and handed them to us.

"First, a toast," he began. "To new relationship." He smirked at Oliver. "Finally grew enough balls to ask her out?"

Oliver chuckled as he handed Diggle a glass. "Something like that."

Diggle shook his head and I handed Tommy a glass. "None for me, thanks," he declined. Tommy nodded his head in agreement.

I turned and gave Tommy a pointed look. He rolled his eyes before grabbing the glass. We all held our glasses up as Anatoly gave his second toast.

"To strength," I said before we all took the shot.

"Now. Business," Anatoly stated. He slid a picture of Lyla over. "This is woman you look for, yes?" I got a closer look and saw half of Lyla's face was bruised. "Picture is from two days ago, from Gulag. Prison."

"Lyla was arrested?" Diggle gasped.

"Not quite. From what I hear, she was trying to break in."


"I do not know. But clearly, she had issues breaking back out. Gulag. Worst in Russia. It's called Koshmar."

"The nightmare," Oliver clarified for Diggle.

"It's full of violent psychopaths and killers. And that's just the guards."

I sat up straighter and said, "Anatoly, we need a way into the Gulag to extract her."

"You get in, you get shot before you get out. Or end up like your friend. Mmm, it's impossible."

"The only thing that's impossible is us leaving this country without this woman," Diggle declared. Anatoly was clearly amused and chuckled.

"I like this guy."

"Could you get us in or not?" Tommy snapped. I stomped on his foot to shut him up, which got him to wince. "Ow!"

"We have no word for optimist in Russian. The only way in to Koshmar is as prisoner. Now, I have guard there, owes me favor. It could work. I'll give you one shot in twenty."

"Set it up. Ollie and I will go," I said.

Diggle shook his head. "No. It has to me."

"No," Oliver argued.

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