City of Heroes Part 2

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I made sure Tommy stayed with me. Yes, he's been training with me whenever he can. It's just that it'll put me at ease knowing that he's here. Especially since people here hate us. We tried to show them that we're not our father, so we offered up his house as a shelter for them until they were able to get back on their feet. Once that filled up we would go down to the Glades and give them food and blankets. It's not enough to repay for what our father did, but it's a start.

"Here you go, Miss Rodriguez," I said politely. She glared at me before she roughly grabbed the blankets from my hands and the bag of food from Tommy before going back to her kids. I sighed sadly. "She hates me. My favorite teacher hates me."

"She doesn't hate you," Tommy said. "She hates our dad and since he's not here, then she decided to take her anger out on the both of yeah, she hates us."

I bit my lip again before handing another blanket to another person. "Never though Dad would be able to do something like this. He didn't just put these people's lives at danger, he almost killed you."

"Except you saved me." Tommy smiled at the guy before he leaned closer to me. "You and Oliver tried your best, but Dad planned this for years. He's not the man we thought he was."

"Yeah, he's worst. He's a killer." Tommy gave me a look. I rolled my eyes. "You know what I mean. It's 'cause of him we're -"

I was interrupted when a car drove in front of us. The passenger side window rolled down as a guy popped his head out.

"Aye, yo, Merlyns!" the guy shouted. He grabbed something then threw it. Tommy and I closed our eyes as something got thrown at us. "You guys suck!"

We opened our eyes and we're covered by this warm red substance. It wasn't real blood, but it was red thick and sticky. I don't even know what it is.

"It's 'cause of him, people are throwing shit at us," I finished as I glared at the car and wiped my mouth.


I heard what happened at Queen Consolidated. I rushed over and ran. The cops were everywhere, but I pushed past them. I knew Oliver had a meeting about his company. People don't want to go to business with him since the whole Undertaking. I would have offered to help him get his company back, but I'm still pissed at him. 

"Felicity!" I yelled out. I tackled her in a hug.

Her eyes widened when she saw the red stain on me. "Oh, my god, you're bleeding. What happened?"

I waved her off. "No, some guys decided to be stupid pieces of shit and threw, whatever this is, at us. And I'm hoping it's not blood cause there's a lot of it."

Tommy followed behind shortly. "We heard what happened," he said as Oliver and that bitch, Isabel Rochev. Yeah, Tommy offered to partner up with Queen Consolidated while Oliver was away, but that bitch said that it'll be putting Oliver at risk even more. That people aren't going to invest if Tommy partners up.

I looked at Lance. "Who did this?" I'm going to kill them.

"It was the same guys from the party," Felicity piped up from behind. Those guys came here and they fired at Felicity and Diggle, give me another reason to add them to the list? I'm going to kill those sons of bitches.

I looked at Lance. "Are there any leads, Detective?" I acted like a concerned friend. Ok, I am concerned, but I'm going to slice their throats open.

"It's Officer, now," Lance corrected.

"I'm so sorry." I made sure I said this next part for Oliver to hear. "Did the Hood and Mask came?"

He shook his head. "No. And I'm going to be honest I think the dynamic duo became the dynamic uno."

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