Crucible Part 2

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"I need some good news," Oliver began as he strolls into the bunker.

"The bad news first," Diggle replied. "Somehow the Mayor did get his hands on a crate of military-grade weapons from Camp Kirby."

The look on Oliver's face meant he was pissed off about something. Well, he did just have a meeting with Mrs. Gap Fish so I'd be piss about that, too. So he should hear the good news.

"But the good news is...if he kept the crate, we might be able to find where he's hiding," I said. I looked at the monitor as Felicity kept typing away. Then I got up and went towards the small tracker and pressed the button, making it glow a bright red. "This is the same make and model of a tracking system the army installs on all of its weapons crates. If they lose a crate, they send out a remote signal that activates the beacon."

Tommy let out a low whistle. "Well, this guy is really clever," he commented before looking at me. "When did you know so much about trackers and beacons?"

"I've always known since I'm smarter than you," I retorted with a slight grin.

"So the Mayor deactivated his beacon," Diggle said. "Send a signal, nothing comes back."

Oliver sighed. "Everyone needs to work on their definition of good news."

Felicity slowly nodded as she spun in her chair. "Ok. How's this...Guess which company designed the tracking system the army uses? I'll give you a hint, their CEO? Always late."

"Nice," Oliver said.

"I pulled up the original plans from the QC mainframe. Turns out there's a design flaw." Felicity opened up a file on the beacon. "The beacon's still susceptible to a subform wave even if it's been deactivated."

"The Mayor turned it off, Oliver. We can turn it back on," Tommy explained.

Felicity opened up the GPS system and got the location immediately. I could see her lips twitching in a smile as she spun back around from her chair. "I believe you ordered the crate of stolen military weapons, Mr. Queen."

Oliver nodded in approval before grabbing my hand and pulled me out. I quickly spun around and yelled thank you to Felicity.

I heard Tommy sigh as he grabbed his daggers. "I guess, I'm third-wheeling again."


It didn't take that long for us to find the abandoned building. We crept up through the roof and dropped down. This Mayor noticed that his tracker was still on and smashed it. Too bad we're already here though.

Oliver let his arrow go when one of the goons saw us. Another was about to shoot, but I ran, jumped, wrapped my legs around the guy's neck before flipping him over. The man was knocked out as Tommy went ahead and threw some of his kunai at the shooters.

The men started to fire at us. I notched an arrow before releasing it into one of the shooter's chest. Oliver jumped from one railing to the next, firing his arrow at one of the guys below. Tommy jumped down next and thrust his hands out so the red adhesive could restrain two of the shooters.

"Cover me," The Mayor said as he grabbed the rest of his men and tried to leave.

I jumped down last and onto a table. I grabbed my dagger and threw it towards one of the guys, targeting the Mayor. But some loyal follower jumped in and used his body to shield his friend. He let out a loud grunt before falling on the ground. I grabbed another arrow to take a shot but the guys already left.

"Weapons are secure," Tommy said through his earpiece.

"And the Mayor?" Diggle asked.

"Still in office," I responded as I lowered my weapon.

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