State v. Queen Part 1

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Today is the day of Moira's case. I wanted to be there for Oliver and Thea but Oliver claimed it would be suicide because she did help my father in the Undertaking. So, I was at the hideout with Tommy training. Well, I was training. He was watching the news on the monitor.

The moment Oliver and Thea stepped out of their car they were bombarded with reports asking them about their mother. Stupid questions because of some rumors going around like if she was suicide watch? Did they know about the Undertaking? They even asked them about Tommy and me and why we weren't with them.

"It's not fair. They're not the ones on trial," Tommy commented while his leg bounced from nervousness.

I was using the salmon ladder. I moved my body and jumped up, taking the pole with me, to move to the next hole. "That won't stop Jean Loring from using them, and us, as props to drum up sympathy," I commented before jumping up again. "The fact that she confessed on live television that she was an accomplice."

"Yeah, but she also said that Dad coerced her." He let out a breath as he leaned further back into his seat. "That's got to mean something to them."

"People can change their opinion about someone in an instant. They can do a million good deeds only to have their reputation ruined by of one bad thing." I jumped off the ladder. I gave Tommy a knowing look as I fixed my wrapped hands. "Sound familiar?

Lian Yu

I feel so stupid. How could I let my friendship with Sara get in the way of my judgment? If I was smarter, I could have figured out that she's been playing us. Even with the radio, I should have figured out something was happening when she only wanted me or Ollie to talk in the walkie. Now, Shado and Slade are in deep trouble because of us. It's been a year since we've seen Sara, things can change in a year. Just look at Oliver and me.

"You don't have to do this," Oliver spoke out loud, hopefully, Shado could hear us and get Slade away before they could start shooting.

"Ivo says we do," Sara said. "Your friends are a danger to his men."

The man holding us at gunpoint motioned for his comrades to run inside the plane.

"Slade! Shado! Run!" I shouted.

I felt the butt of the gun collide with my side. Pain shooting up when the man knocked me over. Oliver ran over and helped me up as Ivo's soldiers began firing at the plane. The bald guy from earlier walked over toward the opening and looked inside.

"There's nobody here," he said. I let out a breath of relief knowing they made it out ok.

"They must have moved on from their position," Ivo said. He pulled out a small explosive from his pocket,"Chargers are set. Here's the detonator." He held it toward his partner. 4 minutes and 30 seconds is what it read. "Make sure they have no place to return to." He pushed the button as his partner grabbed it, starting the countdown. "Go." Ivo then walked over to Ollie and me. "You two. Now, you're gonna take us to the graves. Let's go. Get them up."

Sara grabbed me while Ivo's main man commander, his best soldier, grabbed Oliver. I kept looking back at the plane. Shado and Slade, please, stay safe.



"They say that STAR Lab's particle accelerator will be turned on right on schedule," I heard the news reporter say as I focused my attention on sharpening my arrows. Maybe I'll do Oliver's when I'm done.

"You know Barry wanted me to see that with him," I told Tommy, eyes not leaving the arrowhead I was currently inspecting.

"What did you tell him?" Tommy asked.

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