Bonus Chapter 1

Beginne am Anfang

I asked," Gregory. Did you hide or steal?"

He pouted and said," I stole. I was mad at them because they had a secret place to hide and I was jealous they do all the things together mommy. They ignore me. Cass plays with me most of the times-"

He started crying. He hiccupped," I asked them to play with me and Ben said he will play but Xander said I was a baby and he won't play with me. I was angry and punched Xander. Xan, punched me back and we both were fighting and Ben pulled me out and calmed me down but Xander was still angry and Ben said to go to my room but Xander said that I will come and cry to you like a baby. I went to my room but it was paining so badly so I came to your room."


I was angry at Xander. Very angry.

Greg kissed my cheek and said," Mom. Don't be angry at Xander. It's my fault."

I sighed at him and kissed his forehead and laid him in our bed.

Blake came in and put some ice on his bruise.

I sat down silently and Blake said," Lexi."

I whispered," Yeah?"

I stared at Greg's bruise and brushed his hair away from his face. He was asleep.

Blake pulled me to his lap and I buried my face in his shoulder. He said," They are kids Lexi."

I hit him. I was crying. I said," They are ten Blake."

I continued," Even if they are kids they can't hit each other like this. Xander is the future Alpha. How can he fight his brother? Fine, they have fought. But this is worse, what if he hit  somewhere vital."

Blake lifted my head and said," You do know that Xander loves Greg?"

I nodded. He continued," He just wanted to make Greg strong. He is overprotective of all his siblings. He would come and apologize. Don't worry. If he does something much worse we will send him to Cade's or Landon's for a few months. Or we could send Greg to Aiden's. He loves being with Pierce."

I nodded.

We left Greg to sleep and I went downstairs to the kitchen to cook dinner. I heard the front door open and I heard Cassidy's voice," Greg!"

I shouted," Cassidy! Your brother is sleeping!"

She came to the kitchen and said," Mom. Is he alright?"

I nodded," Yes Cass. He is with your daddy."

She hugged me and said," Mommy. I'm sorry. Xander was angry-"

I said," No. Cass why don't you go and bring Alexander and Benjamin. I need to tell you guys, something."

She didn't disobey. She knew that when I was mad I use their full names.

After I made dinner, the triplets were here.

Looking at all of them I can't believe they all have grown up. Blake came downstairs with Greg on his back.

I mind linked Blake.

  Blake, I'm not going to talk to Xander.

He didn't say anything. I pulled Greg to my lap and he said, "Mommy. You are not going to be mad at him."

Xander started," Mom, I-"

I said," Greg is going to White Moon tomorrow. Uncle Aiden is coming tomorrow to take him."

Cass cried," Mom. Don't send Greg away."

Ben also said," Mom."

Greg sat down silently and then yelled," I'm not going with Uncle Aiden!"

Xander apologized, "Mom. I'm sorry. Don't send Greg away."

Blake said," Alexander. Go to your room. I'll bring your dinner there. Others go to the kitchen."

Xander continued," Mom talk to me..."

He continued for almost ten minutes. I've had enough. Silent treatment always works.

I growled," Alexander Knight. He is your brother. Your little brother. How can you beat him? Did you see his bruises? I'm ashamed of you Alexander. You should learn to control your temper. I thought you were patient.You just proved me wrong."

With that, I walked away to my room.

Xander followed me apologizing. He said," Mom. I'm sorry. I was saving those in my secret place so we can give it to him on his birthday. I'm sorry. I was angry with Ryan and Cass and then-"

I sighed and said," Xan, just because you were angry means you can beat Greg or others. It's wrong Xander. Did you know Greg said not to get mad at you? He is your little brother."

He whispered," I'm sorry mom. I'll say sorry to Greg."

I hugged him and kissed his forehead. I said," Don't make me mad okay? Plus I hate to be mad at you guys."

He smiled and then I heard Greg cheer," Yay! I'm not going to Uncle Aiden's!"

I looked outside the room to see all of them standing there. Ben said," Mom. I'm sorry."

I said," It's not your fault Ben. You did break the fight right?"

He nodded and then hugged me. Then Cass and Greg joined.

I kissed all of their foreheads and looked up to stare at Blake.

He leaned against the door and smiled at me.

Then Xander said," Dad join the group hug!"

Blake laughed and joined. I said," I love you all."

I heard a chorus of Love you too.

Blake kissed my forehead.

We had dinner and Greg and Xander talked with each other a lot. I mind linked Blake.

I can't stay mad at them at all.

He said," I know. I love you, Lexi."

I linked back," I love you too Blake."

Ben whispered," Xan and I were mad because Ryan kissed Cass."

I grinned.

Cass yelled angrily," Benjamin!"

Blake growled," Cassidy Knight!"


Maybe one to two more bonus chapters will be uploaded.......

Thank you so much for over two hundred thousand views and nearly six thousand votes! I love you guys so much!

Hope everyone is safe and COVID-19 ends really soon!


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