His shoulders slumped. At the back of his mind, he also knew that he would have some huge explaining to do to his parents when he got back. And yet leaving her alone didn't feel right.

Sitting next to her, he clasped her hand gently "Naina, after all that you shared last night, how can I leave you here alone? There is still so much more that we need to talk about. I am still struggling to come to terms with everything... there are still so many questions."

Her eyes softened as she squeezed back his hand "I know it's been a big shock for you. And you will need time and will have some questions. But now is not the time for it. We can talk later." A pensive look overcame her as she spoke again "We were planning to meet in Ahmedabad, right? Well, after this accident that might not happen now, but you can call me." She added smiling slightly "We have a phone connection at our place now. Write down the number."

Sameer grabbed the pen and a scrap of paper from the board left by the junior doctor. As he scribbled her number and asked for her address too, his heart was growing heavier thinking that she did not want to meet again. Is she gently trying to tell me to not build up any hopes?

He pulled her into a hug and pressed his lips on the forehead "I will try to delay my departure to Ahmedabad till tomorrow and come by again later in the day. Even if I must leave today itself, I will stop by the hospital on my way, okay?" Wrapped in his warmth, she nodded sanguinely and then remarked "Seeing that I am feeling much better anyways, they will probably discharge from the hospital this morning." He looked relived at the thought "Let me know as soon as you are back to Dasi Mahal."

Naina nodded and spoke "Please convey my thanks to Deepika. Both, for being here yesterday, and also for ensuring that Radhika did not notify my family last night. Maa and Nani would have been besides themselves with worry! And stress isn't good for my Nani given her heart condition."

As he stood up, he asked her again "Are you sure you want me to leave now?" She nodded with the faintest smile on her lips. Sameer unwillingly muttered "See you soon." and left her room.

Naina would have expected to feel like her heart was being ripped out of her body, as he walked away, and yet she didn't. For some reason it did not feel like the final goodbye. Maybe it was his choice to spend the night holding her, or his reluctance to leave this morning, or a combination of both, but suddenly everything didn't feel all too bleak.

* * *

Sameer was experiencing a dull ache in muscles of his shoulder, the one on which Naina had fallen asleep during the late hours of the previous night. The hospital bed had been very narrow and bedding rather lumpy. But he felt grateful, that at least this once, he had been part of her ordeal in some way.

His disappointment, at her insisting on his leaving before the arrival of her co-workers, still clung to him. It had been too soon to wrench himself away from her warm embrace, to return alone to the world of cold stark reality. He was dismayed that he had to put his grieving on hold. And then felt the pain in his heart surge, as he realised that she had been stuck in this state of limbo for years.

Sameer had just exited the car, when he noticed Dinesh accompanied by some luggage standing in the foyer. Dinesh responded looking surprised, as Sameer greeted him "You have been out early!" Then taking his clothes into account, Dinesh added "Or did you not get to bed at all last night?" Not quite answering Dinesh's query, Sameer muttered about being busy checking on something important.

Choosing to don the hat of the host, Sameer instead continued "Hope you had a good time. You are travelling awfully early. Hope you got some rest last night!" Dinesh replied "I must confess, I slipped away to bed much before the Bidai rituals started! There are some important meetings I need to attend in Ahmedabad today."

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