"Don't worry, Darkness. He has his troops surrounding the room. They will I'm not escape."

"They better not!"

Darkness goes over to the computer with the surveillance footage and brings up the control room.

Sure enough, there was my friends.

Zane, Jay, Cole, Kai and Nya.

They're all in the room. The red lights flashing around them as well. Nya was checking the rooms around them on the footage they had as well, discovering that the nindroids knew they were there.

I couldn't actually hear them, but I could tell she was giving the others orders.

Zane looks at the footage and sees Pixal fighting off nindroids. He says something to the others and leaves the control room.

I look to another screen and see Zane outside fighting to get to Pixal.

"I didn't even know they knew each other."

Back on the other screen, a nindroids has managed to get into the control room. He was randomly way smaller than the other robots. Nya was working with the computers, trying to override the system, no doubt, while other 3 were keeping the robot busy.

In the center of the power room, there's a huge tube shaped thing acting as the source of energy. This is what connected every electronic in the city online.

Cole tried to use the Techno Blade to hack the nindroid system, but it doesn't work. It only succeeds in making the little robot angry.

He shoots his gun at Cole, who barely dodged out of the way. The bullet strikes the encased energy and the glass cracks.

Kai lights up with excitement.

Well, from what I could tell only being able to see his eyes due to his face covering.

But he jumps in front of the glass case again and starts taunting the nindroid, who fires once more. And once again, hits the case and the crack grows.

Cole gets the idea and says something to Nya, who runs to the door and lets all the nindroids in the room.

I quickly glance at the other screen again so check on Zane. Who unfortunately, isn't having the same success fighting the nindroids as the others are. These new robots have fancy, up to date systems, thanks to Cyrus Borge.

But it doesn't matter. Zane is the original nindroid and I know he's stronger than them!

The other ninja have all started directing the nindroids bullets to keep striking the energy source, the cracks gradually growing more and more.

Finally, one jumps to strike Jay.

Jay manages to dodge last moment and the robot hits the glass, shattering it completely.

With the encasing broken, all the energy shoots out of the system.

The security footage turns off. Along with the lights, computers, monitors, robots, everything! A city wide blackout!

Which also means, the Overlord is turned off as well and everything he was controlling is no longer his.

Darkness doesn't say a word. Doesn't move. Just continues to stare at the now black screen.

I couldn't help it anymore, I finally burst out laughing... well, burst out in my head.

My subconscious self doubles up inside the fog around me.

I kept trying to get it under control, but started all over again every time I tried.

"Is this enjoyable for you?" She asks more calmly than I was expecting.

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