CH.62 Throwing it back

Start from the beginning

I bite my tongue before downing the rest of the cup. Then crushed it and aimed directly into the trash can.

"Just so you know, in your case, I couldn't say if it's necessarily good or bad." My steps stopped a couple feet behind him listening to his words.

I turn around and eyed him. My small hand made contact with his broad shoulder. "Say no more." I merely stroll off back into the small studio practice room.

Clap! Clap!

"Alright guys, let's get this started." I encourage with brightness even brighter then the sun itself.

About 4 hours of no break practice

"And reach and reach." We continued reaching for our toes and doing another spin for the 26th time. "1, 2, 3, 4"

"H-Hey Deku...? C-Can we call for a b-break now?" Uraraka requested with puffs of breaths escaping her throat.

"No! We got to keep going. Don't be going limp on me now." Kacchan's face expressed displeased as he interrupted.

"Uraraka is right, we've been going at this for 4 hours straight." Todoroki fends off on the opposite end of the spectrum.

"I didn't hear anyone ask you." Kacchan rolls his eyes with his eyelashes fluttering in exaggeration.

"You're the one to talk." He snaps right back.

They butt heads as they continued arguing.

"They're going to kill each other!" Uraraka shrieked with trouble.

"Don't get your hopes up." Sero shakes his head, rubbing his afflicted temple.

"Okay let's take 20 and then we'll get right back to it." Empathizing the situation, I came up with a quick solution.

"Tch, fine." Kacchan growls childishly.

Bakugou POV

My body does ache but it's not enough yet just to stop completely. If they won't practice with me, I'll just do it myself. I stepped back into the middle of the room to continue training while everyone laid on their bum ass to rest.

Deku slowly walked over to me, placing a hand on my upper, sweaty, back. "Kacchan, you need to slow down. You can barely stand up on your own two feet right now. You're muscles got to rest." I remain ignoring his sense of reason until he grasped my cheeks and forcefully turned my face towards his own.
"No more."

I plopped myself on the ground clearly feeling annoyed.

"So, today we finished a quarter of the group dance, we have about two weeks to finish it and clean it up. We still need to stick in a prop and make it work. But what prop would even work? Is the throw kick too hard of a move for us? Is it too soon?" Deku continued to mumble to himself as he counted his fingers. I knew this was going to continue to last he next 20 minutes if I don't stop him now.

"Hey Deku! C'mere real quick?" Mina calls, drawing Deku absent from my 6 meter radius.

"Wait-" The door swung open with a couple familiar classmates making their way through.

"Yo! Bakubro! How's the dance squad rolling for ya'?" Kirishima chatted out loud with Denki clung on top him.

I clicked my tongue and shrugged off the extras that journeyed in. I'm guessing they're also having a break, that is if they've been doing any practice at all. I crossed my arms and trailed my eyes open over the dance studio in search for a ball of grassy green.

What the-

"Yeah Deku! Throw it back!" Raccoon Eyes urged with an instructed motive.

"Woah, I see you guys got more then enough handled here." Shitty Hair motivated with one big thumbs up.

Icyhot placed a firm hand underneath his chin. "I wonder where he learned that."

I stare in complete utter disbelief.

"T-This isn't-"

I slap both shitty hair and Icyhot's face away from admiring Deku's...abilities.

Four eyes came rushing in, holding up what it seems to be a perverted grape by its' hair. "There you guys are! I finally caught, this... this... Argh! I can't even say it! We need to get back to practicing, immediately!"

"Alright, alright! Chill out, we'll be there! We gotta dip now, I'll cya later guys!" Before a second blink shitty hair left.

"Make sure you teach him to go a little lower next time, Mina!" Denki lively chants before the door closes completely in his face.

Hn. I 'bout had enough of this. I march my way to Deku and pull him away, far away, from the others.

Half and half whistles in a mocking tone. "Bakugou, we talked about this."

Yeah we did, like hell we had a middle ground, though.

"You're trapping him like a princess in a castle, in this case the princess is Deku. Have you ever thought about a concern with his feelings?" Icyhot adds once more.

He has no idea what I've been through. What we've been through... I peer down at Deku to see only but green hair to confront me. His face wasn't making contact with my own, what so ever.
He has no idea he's been through.


"You have no say in this half and half, I'm only dancing with you because I have, too." It's best if I completely change the subject while I can. "Okay extras! Lets get to it." I slap my hands together, getting everyone's attention. "Lets start with set one."

I'm doing this for Deku's own protection and good.

Where The Wind Blows ( Bakudeku Dance AU ) //COMPLETE//Where stories live. Discover now