Feeling good

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It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life for me yeah
It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me
And I'm feeling good

When I got out of the shower I did my hair and makeup and looked at the time. It was 12:05 we should be leaving soon. I threw on a pair of jeans and a shirt threw on my purple converse and went down to the living room.

Shawn's eyes lit up as soon as he saw me and hunter laughed. I'm guessing it was either one of two things. Either I didn't look like a bum because I did my hair and make up for the first time since I met Shawn at the last show I went to or it could be because I'm wearing an HBK shirt I found at hot topic the other day.

Wow, all was Shawn could say looking deep in thought.

Hunter put his hand to shawn's chin and pushed his mouth shut and told him he was drooling.

Shawn turned red and grabbed his keys and asked us if we were ready. We all agreed and out the door, we went.

As we were walking to the car hunter yelled shotgun.

Guys at the risk of sounding dumb what's shotgun. You won't actually have one right? I asked

Shawn and hunter looked at each other and laughed.

Jonie chipped in when someone calls shotgun they get to sit in the front.

No offense or anything Ashley I know your life has been shit but did you live under a rock? Hunter questioned which in turn caused Shawn to slap him.

A rock? I stopped in my tracks and thought for a moment. Well no I lived in a house and at one point my dad did crack and you smoke crack rocks so yes, yes I guess I did and I continued walking to the car leaving hunter with this shocked expression on his face.

Jonie walked over to him. Bet you weren't expecting that to come from Ashley did you?

No, I didn't.

She's warming up to you guys. She's starting to trust you have you realized that yet?

I didn't think of that he replied getting into the front seat.

I sat back with Jonie as the two idiots in the front seat fought over who got to pick the station on the radio. That is until I head a song I liked and started singing.

They were nice enough to leave it on for me and by the end of the song we entire belting out the lyrics to pear jams Yellow Ledbetter.

We pulled up to the same building when I first met Shawn. You guys sure it's going to be ok? I asked

I'm sure it'll be fine the all agreed.

Shawn, hunter,  Jonie, and I all walked into the building. There were a ton of people walking around and in that moment I've never felt smaller in my life. subconsciously I grabbed Shawn's hand he must have known I was nervous as he squeezed my hand in reassurance.

I was looking behind me and I didn't notice a man walk up to our group. He took one look at Shawn and I holding hands and started to shake his head.

Shawn, I thought I told you about this before.

Relax vinn-man it's nothing like that. Vince, I would like to introduce you to Ashley. Ashley this is my boss since.

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